Chapter 30 - Am I Rescued?

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"Meian!" Eraserhead rushed to the bleeding vigilante.

'His hoodie is torn, but the mask is still on. His back is burnt! The bleeding is mostly from little cuts, but that's a hell lot of cuts. Lots of bruises as well. What the heck happened?' He thought, looking at the visible wounds.

"Eraser... head?" He heard the vigilante speak with the driest voice he'd ever heard.

'He's still awake?? How is he still awake with all these injuries???'

"Mid...night, Vlad... King. A-are they... safe?"

"Meian, where's your first aid kit?"

"Are... are they-"

"They're safe, they're safe. It's you who are not. Tell me where your first aid kit is, please." Eraserhead pleaded.

" Save... him..." Meian struggled to stay awake.

"Meian, stay awake. God dammit." Eraserhead picked him up carefully, yet quickly. "Midnight, Hound Dog, come on. Inform Nezu we got him. We need to get to a hospital ASAP." He said while running with Meian in his arms.

Once they got out, the ambulance was already there. The workers swiftly do their job, placing Meian on the stretcher and to the ambulance. Eraserhead was the one who got in with Meian, riding the ambulance to the hospital.

The nurses wanted to take the mask off, but Eraserhead insisted it wasn't necessary. He doesn't want to break their deal.

They soon arrived at the hospital. Eraserhead and Meian got separated to let the doctors do their work.


Aizawa sat on the chair, waiting for Shuzenji to come out of the room in front of him. To tell him something about Meian.

While waiting, Nezu, Yamada, Kayama, and Kan came. All out of their hero costumes.

"Any news yet?" Midnight asked.

"No... not yet."

Not long after, the door opened, revealing Shuzenji.

"Chiyo, how is he? Is he alright?" Midnight quickly asked.

"He had several broken bones, multiple cuts and bruises, a concussion, and venom."


"The venom looked like it was from a snake. It wasn't meant to kill, so that's good. We already gave him antivenom, so he'll be fine. His back is burnt from heat, cool, and I think electricity. I used my quirk to heal him, so he'll probably won't wake up until tomorrow." She continued.

"Can we... Can we see him?" Kan asked, almost too quiet to hear.

"You can, but just keep it down. He needs to rest." Shuzenji answered, not questioning the usually active Kan.

They all went in after her.

Mask still on, Meian laid peacefully on the bed, sleeping. A cool bag on his back to lessen the burn and casts for the broken bones. Shuzenji's quirk already healed the cuts and bruises.

Nezu climbed Aizawa because he was too short to see the vigilante. Aizawa didn't seem to mind.

Nezu looked at the sleeping vigilante. Guilt was running through his mind. If only he'd plan it better, Midnight and Vlad King wouldn't have been captured, and Meian wouldn't have to suffer... this.

That feeling went unnoticed by the others.


'Why is it so dark? What happened? Did I die? Wait... no. I saw Eraserhead. Did I escape?'

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