Chapter 15 - Taking The Hit

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Aizawa lazily walked to UA with coffee in his hands. Last night was exhausting. He and Tsukauchi had seen Meian and followed, only to find an unconscious villain with a note on the head.

'take a Look on the Pockets You Find'

He searched through the villain's pockets and found a usb drive. He took the note and the usb to UA. If the vigilante that saved civilians and made their job easier to do give them something, it must be quite useful. Maybe give them a hint on how to catch him, though that's very unlikely.

He planned to give the usb to Nezu. He told him about the vigilante, Nezu seemed quite impressed and curious about him. Nezu told Aizawa to tell him everything about the vigilante. It will help them catch the slippery vigilante more easily, so why not.

Once in UA, Aizawa knocked on the principal's office. A muffled 'come in' sounded, and Aizawa walked in to see a dog-mouse-bear-like animal sitting on the desk drinking his tea; Nezu.

"What brings you here, Aizawa? Found something off Meian?"

"Yeah. He left a note and a usb. Thought you might want to look at them."

"Oh? Bring them here."

Aizawa gave the usb to the principal who took it and inserted it into his computer.

'The first letter of the letter is the letter to use.'

Apparently, Meian had given the usb a password.

"Aizawa, you said he left a note?"

Aizawa gave the note to Nezu.

Nezu looked at the note, then at the screen, and back again. This goes on for a few more seconds until Nezu typed, 'taLotPYF'. It accepted and let the two look at what was inside the usb.

Both of them were shocked. They've realized people were missing recently, and they couldn't figure out where or why. The files contained all of the information they needed. Among the files, there's a simple note. It says, 'These missing people have powerful or useful quirks. Please protect each and every person who has them. Including heroes. I know the UA staff are all heroes. Please protect yourselves. I don't want anymore heroes or civilians to go missing and get their quirks taken away. I've been eyeing them for a while. They're up to no good.'

Nezu printed the necessary, including the note, and set up a meeting with the UA staff. He also invited All Might to the meeting. It was necessary for him to attend the meeting because he had a feeling it includes the number one hero's most dangerous enemy.


Izuku trained with Nala and Kion. He still wanted to spend time with them. After a while, they felt like they were family. Izuku would sometimes tell them about his patrol time. They seemed to enjoy a good story.

Izuku and Kion have been sparring a lot, and it usually ends with Izuku as the winner, but Kion also improves every time they sparred. Finding techniques to overcome Izuku's. It is good training for both of them.

"Hey, Izuku. Can you tell me more about your favorite hero?"

"Hmm? Eraserhead? You seem suddenly interested, Kion."

"I am... the way you talk about him is amazing. Makes me want to know more."

"Well, I do love to tell you about him. He's amazing. He can fight so well even without his quirk..."

Izuku went on and on about Eraserhead. Kion seemed to like Eraserhead more after Izuku explained what he thought about him. The time passed without them knowing. And it was already lunchtime. Izuku said his goodbyes, and left to make lunch for him, the wolves, and also Touya.

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