Chapter 98 - He saved me!

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Izuku looked at the calendar. It was early April, months after the incident with Nighteye. Shouta was very busy preparing for new students in UA, and Meian hasn't gotten a break from many of the assassins that tried to kill him.

Shouta looked very annoyed after the entrance exam, mumbling about the future students who don't have potential or something like that.

While Hizashi was 'trying' to reason with Shouta not to expel most of the future students, Shouta's constant bad mood brings Izuku a little down too.

'If the future students don't have potential like Shouta says, what does that say for All Might's soon retirement? At least Togata-kun is getting better at using his quirk after a year in UA.'

Izuku sighed. "Well, going out for fresh air is good for clearing my mind, right? I'll go out for a bit. Maybe I'll find something interesting."

"You always find something interesting." Locco replied.

Izuku chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. See you later, Locc."

"Can't wait to hear the stories, Izuku!"


After a while sneaking around in his vigilante outfit and finding no crime, Izuku figured he could take it off for a while and enjoy the nice day.

Izuku was humming a song happily while walking, when he heard a whimper from an alleyway. 'Hmm? Oh, poor thing...'

He saw a puppy trapped. He quickly makes his way to free it.

"Hello there, don't worry, okay? I'm here to free you." He observed the pup to figure out how to get it out of the trap. "Oh no... your leg is hurt. I brought my kit though, so you'll be okay soon."

He started working on getting the pup free. 'Damn, this trap is really tight... It's metal, so I can't use my knife. It's gonna take a while...'


"Tch, I'm so bored! Kurogiri! I'm going out for a while! Don't search for me!"

"Yes, Tomura." Kurogiri sighed as he watched him leave.

Shigaraki walked around the neighborhood, looking around. 'Where can I make some mischief... hmm...'

While looking around, he spotted a fluffy looking green hair, and he perked up. 'Is that the green haired boy I met?'

Unconsciously, Shigaraki followed the person with green hair, forgetting about the mischief he wanted to cause.

'Oh- he stopped. Why? He's... looking to an alley? Isn't that the alley where we met? Ugh, memory box, work with me here!'

He took a peak. 'Oh, he's helping a dog.' He smiled. 'Just like he helped me.' He continues to watch the boy. 'It's taking a while... Looks like he's struggling.'

Suddenly, he felt the air shift and he looked up to find a brick falling right on top of his green haired friend.

Without even thinking, he took off his glove and reached out to the brick, disintegrating it.

The green haired boy looked at him with widened eyes, but he spares him no mind. Shigaraki jumped from wall to wall, disintegrating part of the wall to get a better grip. As soon as he saw the person who threw that brick, he grabbed their neck with all five of his fingers, disintegrating and killing them.

'No one messes with my-' He stopped. What is the green haired boy to him?


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