Chapter 5 - Moving

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Izuku took all the things he'll need. All the things he has for living in the forest, and he also took his mother's sewing kit. He's gonna need those to make his own clothes.

Izuku took one last look at his house. His home since he was born. His safe place to be.

'Goodbye, home. I hope one day, I can come back, and live here again.'

With that thought, he left. He went in the direction of the forest. He doesn't have any more time. Some officers are going to go to his house at some point searching for him, and going to force him to go to an orphanage.

He left, unnoticed by anyone.


Bakugou's mother was shocked. She was watching the TV and heard that the Midoriya couple was dead. She immediately called her husband.

"What is it, dear?" Masaru came, a soft smile on his face.

"Masaru... we need to go back."

Seeing the panicked look on his wife, Masaru hurried to hold her. "Can you tell me why?"

"Inko... Inko and- and Hisashi are dead, Masaru. We need to go back. Izuku's gonna be all alone. Are you really needed in your job right now, or can you take a day off? If you can't then I'll just get a taxi back home with Katsuki. I- I need to be there for Izuku."

"H-hey, calm down. It's alright. I'll call my manager and explain the situation. I'll make sure they understand and we can go back, okay? Take a deep breath." He rubbed her back.

"Thank you..."

"What I need you to do right now is tell Katsuki about this and pack up. I'll help once I'm done with the call."

Masaru kissed his wife before going to make the call in an empty room.

After a few minutes of calming herself, "Katsuki! Come here, right now!" Mitsuki shouted for her son to come.

"Shut up, old hag! I'm playing!"

"YOU COME HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU LITTLE BRAT! It's about your fucking friend!"


"It's not about that, Katsuki!"

Bakugou thought to himself, 'What else could it be?' He finally came down and looked at the TV. He saw a familiar place in chaos, "Isn't that back home?"

She gestured for Bakugou to sit beside her. "There was a villain attack, Katsuki. Many deaths were made."

Bakugou froze. "Is... Deku okay? That idiot likes to watch villain fights. Ah, but Aunty and Uncle are with him, so he should be fine..."

"Katsuki... Aunty Inko and Uncle Hisashi... they're both dead."

He flinched. "What about Deku, then? Is he with his parents?"

"I don't think so. His name isn't on the list. Listen, your dad is on the phone. We're going back to check on Izuku, okay? Go pack your things."

Bakugou nodded, going back to his room. He seems to be ignorant, but in his mind, he was panicking.

'No... this can't be happening. They're both like second parents to me. They shouldn't be dead... right? I wonder if Deku's okay. I hope he's fine. He's always been a fighter. He won't break just from this, right?'

Time goes by so slowly for him. He just wants the day to go by faster so he could see his friend again, alive and well.


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