Chapter 28 - Good News, Bad News

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Dabi walked into the dungeon with food on his hands.

'Now how am I going to tell Meian that I've disabled the cameras...'

"It's your dinner. Eat."

"Wow! You give dinners? I am oh so very grateful."

'Wow. His acting is so good.'

"Meian, can you not provoke the villain, please?" Midnight quietly mumbles, but both Dabi and Meian heard it anyway.

"You should listen to her, Meian. You'll be here for a while. That is if Shigaraki doesn't kill you first."

"What makes you say that I won't escape first?"

"No way. That right there is a camera. It records everything and I will know if you even try to escape." Dabi said. 'I hope that's enough to make him know...'

Meian looked at Dabi's eyes. 'Oh? It looks like you've disabled them. Okay, Dabi. I got your message.'

"Now eat your dinner. I will be back later to collect the plates." And with that, Dabi left the room.

"Okay. Let's eat. You guys are going to need the energy." Meian said to the pro heroes.

"How can you just eat them like there's nothing wrong with it? He could've poisoned it for god's sake!" Vlad King said, still not trusting the vigilante.

"Oh, don't worry. I've got a keen sense of smell. There's nothing wrong with the food. Wait, you haven't eaten anything while you're here, have you?"

"No. We were too worried that they'll do something to our food." Midnight confirmed.

"Alright... have my food too, then. You need all the energy to escape after this." Meian said, giving his food to them.

Even so, the pro heroes didn't even touch the food. "Seriously guys. Fine, I'll prove to you that there's nothing wrong with the food." He took a spoon full of food and ate it. He swallowed it and said, "See? Now eat. Before he comes back to take the food away before you can eat anything."

The two heroes reluctantly eat the food they were given. "Aren't you going to eat?" Midnight asked.

"You two need it more than I do right now. I'll be fine."

"Alright... if you say so..." Midnight divided Meian's food into two and gave half to Vlad King.

After they ate, Dabi walked in. "So you finally eat something. The others told me you weren't eating anything before. What got you to eat now, huh?"

Neither Meian nor the two heroes said anything.

"Nothing to say? Fine. Suit yourself." Dabi said, collecting the empty plates. He sneakily glanced over to Meian.

Meian noticed and gave a little nod. 'Everest, I am getting the heroes out.'

After Dabi left, Meian finally said, "Alright, let's go." He pulled out the dungeon keys and opened his cell.

"What?? When did you get that??" Vlad King said, surprised.

"No time to explain. Just hurry." Meian said, opening the two heroes' cells.

The two heroes followed Meian up to the vents. He guided them to an opening. "Alright. From here, we have to get out of this vent, turn a corner, and we'll be out. Problem is, I don't know if there are any villains blocking our way. If there is, I want you two to just run. I'll hold them back."

"Excuse me, but we are pro heroes. I'm sure we can handle them." Vlad King said.

"Maybe, but I am not risking you getting caught again. You two are mostly reliant on your quirks. You still have those quirk suppressant cuffs, so you're in a disadvantage."

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