Chapter 36 - To Hear Those Words

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"Izuku... are you really making them your cooking? I wasn't really thinking when I said that..." Addison asked, embarrassed that she blurted that answer without thinking.

"No worries, Addy. It's a good idea. I just adjusted it to make something more special for the specific heroes." Izuku said while cooking.

"You've delivered Aizawa his breakfast, but not his lunch. Isn't he going to be suspicious?"

"Well, I told him I overslept and didn't have time to make his lunch. I also said that I'd give it to him later on. Which is true, if you think about it..."

"Why didn't you just tell him? I'm sure he can keep a secret."

"Well, that would ruin the surprise. Besides, I want to see his face when he sees this." Izuku showed what he had just made to Addison as she looked and chuckled.

"Yeah, that'll be a good face to see. Make sure you record it, yeah?"



"Shouta, when is Meian gonna come?" Midnight asked.

"Probably in the afternoon." He answered. 'He said he'll bring me my lunch, so that's probably when he'll give the others their surprise too.'

"Hee? We still have to wait?"

"Don't you have classes to teach?"

"Oh... right. Will Meian be here when I get back?" She asked again while grabbing her books.

"I don't know, Nem. Just go." Aizawa tiredly replied.


"You sure you don't need any help? You're bringing fourteen boxes, you know? Not to mention two of them are full of drinks!" Addison offered, seeing Izuku with seven boxes in each hand.

"No, I'm okay. I don't want to risk you being seen. It's not that heavy anyway. I have a feeling I'll be forced to stay there for a while, so I'll see you later." Izuku said walking out.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Tucker asked Addison.

"He will be okay... but those boxes look like they might topple down..."


Meian sighed. 'I'm finally in UA... that took longer than expected...'

He walked in, 'Huh... the pass really worked.' He continued walking to the teacher's room. He knocked.

Present Mic opened the door. "Oh! Meian! I thought you were one of our students. Those boxes... need some help?" He asked, already taking the seven out of one of Meian's hands.

"Thank you."

"Come on in." He invited him in. "Midnight has been asking for you ever since Eraser said you'll be coming."

Meian followed him in. He had seen the room from the outside, it looked comfortable, but when you're inside, it gives you that feeling. 'Looks like everyone is in here.'

"Meian! You're finally here!" He heard Midnight say.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Hope you all are prepared for a meal." Meian smiled.

The heroes took their respective boxes.

"I was wondering what the surprise would be. Turns out, it's just meals." Snipe opened his box. "What the-" He was shocked when he saw his gun as food. "This is... my gun?"

"Oh my God! It's my whip!" Midnight screamed.

Ectoplasm opened his. "A mic? Is this for Yama-"

"Oh ho! My headphones! Wow, you're good." Present Mic said, cutting him off.

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