Chapter 82 - Blond Haired Girl

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'Yugensaki... Yugensaki... oh, there it is!' Meian smiled as he saw the school in the distance. He swiftly ran towards it.

'Now to see if it's heavily guarded... nope. Urgh, is no school guarded except for UA? It makes these break-ins so boring...' He thought as he easily sneaked in. 'Makes me wonder why villains don't go terrorizing schools instead. Makes it harder for the heroes because there are so many hostages.'

He shook his thoughts. 'Okay, don't give them any ideas. Time to observe this school so I can get around.'


Meian predicted the quirk training will be held in the back field of the school. So he stayed there and waited. Not long after, a class came out with their teacher.

'Yes! I'm right!' He mentally patted himself on the back.

He looked at the class that came out. 'Hmm... I don't see Togata-kun or Amajiki-kun anywhere... Maybe it's a different class. Well, more quirks to observe!' He smiled.

Student after student, class after class, Meian observed every quirk. 'Geez, where's Togata-kun and Amajiki-kun's class? I've been here the whole school day... Am I in the wrong school or something?'

He waited for the next class to arrive, and when they finally came out, he sighed in relief. 'Oh good, I'm not in the wrong school. There they are. Geez, so late in the day.'

He observed student after student. 'Oh, it's Amajiki's turn. He could shift into a bird right? I remember his hand turning into a talon yesterday...'

He observed. 'Wait... that's a plant, not a talon... what is his quirk??' He wanted to see more, but the teacher told him to go back in line. 'Aw... I want to know more... oh, it's Togata-kun's turn.'

He watched as Mirio's hands phased through a plank of wood, but hit his head on that same plank. 'Ouch.'

He heard the others laugh at him. 'Guess that's why he wanted to practice.'

He thought that Mirio was going to sulk, and was surprised when he didn't. Instead, he still has a smile on his face.

'Wow... strong mentality. Again, he reminds me of All Might... always smiling, huh.' He smiled.


After school ended, Meian followed the two boys that he knew. He was about to greet them before he heard Tamaki speak.

"Mirio... you're so amazing."


"Even if you can't do something, you're still cheerful and positive... so those around you become cheerful too."

Mirio looked at his friend.

"I'm no good. If I think about messing up... my mind goes blank, and I can't move."

'Mmh.... bad, fixed mindset...' Meian bit his lip.

"You'll become an amazing hero... one like the sun..."

"What are you saying?" Mirio stopped, making Tamaki stop as well and looked at him.

"You're making me sound great, but it's not like that."

"Huh?" Meian and Tamaki blinked.

"I can do my best because you're here, Tamaki." Mirio smiled. "It's not like I'm that mentally strong. It's just that, seeing you do your best without running away even though you're super nervous, makes me feel like I don't wanna lose to you."

'Oh, so... they're basically supporting each other.' Meian concluded.

"Lose?" Tamaki questioned.

"I think you're overvaluing me and undervaluing yourself too much. That's why you call me things like 'the sun'. I know that you really have amazing power. I know that you're actually a really cheerful and fun guy!"

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