Chapter 115 - Leaked Info

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Today was Sunday, and Meian decided he wanted to visit Touya on his day off. Catch up on what the league of villains are doing, check up on Hitoshi's training, and see how Feli and Cyrus are doing.

When Feli first introduced Cyrus to him, he realized he had seen her before. It was the second fight with Muscular. Though he noticed she had no scar from that time. She was left behind by her parents then too. Cyrus had recognized him too. "The hero who protected me," she called him.

As Meian came in, he saw Feli and Cyrus on the couch, reading a book. He figured he could leave them be, so he went straight to Hitoshi's room. "Hitoshi, you in here?"

The door opened. "Meian, I was just studying. You know, for the exam?" Hitoshi said with a big smile on his face.

"Yes, I know. How is it going? Think you'll pass?"

"Hopefully. What I'm worried about is the practical though..."

"Hmm, then would you like to spar? Touya isn't in the basement right now, is he?"

"Nah, he's out with the league right now, though it has been a while. He should be coming home..." Hitoshi said, following Meian to the basement.

"Great. I've been wanting to catch up. Right now though, let's see how you fight."


Touya got home, tired after dealing with the league.

"Welcome back, Mister Dabi." He heard the little girl on the sofa.

"Thanks, Cyrus." He smiled.

"Meian's in the basement, by the way." Feliciano informed him.

"With Hitoshi?"

"Mhm. They're training, I assume."

"Yeah, that's usually what the basement is for." Touya confirmed. "I'll go to the basement then."

He went down the stairs, being careful so he doesn't disturb, nor get in the way of their spar.

"Whoop! Oh, hey, Touya!" Meian said as he dodged Hitoshi's kick. "Get me good, Toshi. You've done it before. Come on, your brother's watching."

"I'm getting to it! HAH!"

Touya smiled, seeing Hitoshi sweating, swiping Meian's feet, then without hesitation, lifted him with all his might and brought him down. Hitoshi was now sitting on top of Meian, locking him in place.

"I did it! Oh my God, I did it!" Hitoshi pants, though that doesn't wipe the wide grin he has on his face. "Touya, you saw that, right?"

Touya clapped his hands. "Well done, Toshi. Now go take a shower. You stink." He helped him up, ruffled his sweaty hair, and patted him on the back.

"Ouch, you meanie. I know I stink, I just won against Meian! Of course I would stink of sweat." Hitoshi huffed, making his way out.

"Don't forget to drink!" Touya called out.

"Shut up! I know!"

Meian chuckled, still lying on the ground.

"You good, Meian?" Touya asked, smiling at how ridiculous this vigilante is.

"Yep. All good. That was fun. He's getting stronger and stronger." Meian huffed, sitting up. "So, how's the league?"

Touya sighed. "I have a lot to tell you."

"Well, here is sound proof enough. As long as you're not screaming."

"Well, they heard a rumor about All Might teaching UA."

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