Chapter 85 - Party Failed

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Izuku was just chilling with the lions when he felt his phone vibrate. 'Hmm? Oh it's Hiza...'

"Izuku, don't you have to go somewhere? You always leave at this time." Rain asked.

"Hmm? Do I?" He looked up. "Oh, it's lunch time. Thanks for reminding me, Rain." He petted her.

Izuku walked back to the cave, looking at Hizashi's text.



Hey, Meian. I have a question. Shou's bday is coming up. U have any idea to celebrate it?


Why don't you do the same thing as you did mine?

It worked for me


Oh, yeah. Okay. Thanks for the idea

You're coming btw

It's in a week


He arrived at the cave, putting his phone away. 'Looks like I have plans for next week then.'

He was going to start cooking, but then he saw the wolves wagging their tails, surrounding food.

Izuku giggled. "Really, guys? Again?"

"We like it when you praise us..." Wink admitted.

Izuku laughed. "Well, I better praise you again, shouldn't I?" He petted Wink and kissed him. "You are amazing. Thank you for preparing lunch. What have you made this time?"


A week soon passed. Hizashi reminded Meian to come later at night for Shouta's birthday party.

It was in the afternoon after he had lunch with the pack. Meian was strolling through the city when he crossed a man living in a small corner. He watched as another person aggressively went to him.

'Oh dear... are they gonna fight? Should I intervene?'

"Are you here to fight for my place again? You're not gonna win, you know. You're just gonna embarrass yourself again."

"I'm not gonna fall for your dirty tricks this time, Carlos. I'm gonna take this lovely corner to be mine."

'Oh, it's like fighting for territory. That's fine I guess... I just hope they don't use their quirks.'

Meian watched the two fight. They were quite interesting to watch. Thankfully, they didn't use their quirks.

The one defending the place uses lots of different tricks. Meian made sure to keep those in mind.

The last move he made was the one most painful to watch. Meian himself cringed. 'Ouch. That's not a place I want to be kicked, thank you.'

He saw the attacker left, still in pain. The defender stood proudly.

'This is definitely not for kids to watch, but I might come back to see more of his tricks. It's useful for a quirkless person like me since he doesn't use his quirk.' Meian blinked. 'I can't believe I'm taking street fights for reference. Tricks can come from anywhere, I guess.'

He continued his stroll around the city. 'Maybe I should see other types of fights... Martial? Eh, some heroes I analyzed already use martial arts. I need something new... a little bit like the street fight I just saw...'

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