Chapter 42 - Full of Surprises

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Hello! There will be a change to the writing. The change will be for the Italic: when Izuku or anyone contacts the pack through mind link.

If that paragraph doesn't make sense, don't worry! You'll get it once you continue reading.

So once again,
Italic —> mind link

"He's coming back!" Angga told Kion.

"Alright, thanks, Angga." Kion replied. 'Everest, Izuku is coming back. Inform the others. I repeat, Izuku is coming back.'

'Got your message, Kion. Thanks.' Everest replied. "Stop practicing, guys. Izuku is coming." He told the other wolves and they all stopped what they were doing.

"Noah, you're still wet." Addison said.

"I'll dry you up." Basil ran around Noah and the wind dried him.

"Oh that's cold..." Noah shivered.

"I'll warm you up inside. Come on. Before Izuku arrives." Tucker led them to the cave and warmed the shivering Noah. When Izuku arrived at the cave, Noah was already warm.

"Hey, guys. Ready for some fun?" Izuku said excitedly, changing into his normal clothes.

"Shall we go to the river? It's much larger there." Addison recommended.

"Yeah. Why not?" He folded his Meian outfit and put it in his belt.


As per usual, Noah went for a swim, Wink and Locco playing together, Basil running around, Tucker and Everest looking out for them, and Addison observing.

Izuku was sitting underneath a tree, enjoying the fun atmosphere. He was trying not to think about the song. Not because he was nervous, but because he knew Everest could read his mind.

Addison looked at the sun that was almost directly above her. Meaning it's more or less in the afternoon. Also meaning, Izuku is going to call them back to the cave soon. She looked at Everest. 'Everest, I think it's time for our surprise, don't you think?' Everest smiled and nodded.

Addison walked towards Izuku and readied her voice.

"Hey, Addy. What's up?" Izuku asked.

"We... have a... surprise for you..., Izuku." She spoke in a human language, surprising Izuku.

"A-Addy... y-you... did you just... You just spoke! You spoke human language!" Izuku managed to blurt out.

"I can... speak human now. Though not... that good... or... fast."

Izuku was speechless. "I... I..." He took a deep breath. "Addy, you broke me. I... I don't know what to say right now..." He covered his face out of embarrassment and amazement. "That's some surprise, Addy."

"That's... not it. There's... more."

"There's more??" Izuku faced the wolf as Everest came over.

'Hello, Izuku.'

Izuku opened his mouth in surprise. "Y-you just talked in my head!"

'I can link all of our minds together.'

"All... like, the pack? All the pack? Even Kion?"


"Oh my gosh... this is amazing! How did you know you could do this?"

'I start to wonder when I can read your mind even when you're far away, but have only mentioned it to Addison when you were kidnapped.'

"So your quirk isn't really mind reading... it's mind linking! Can you mind link to someone who isn't in our pack though?"

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