Chapter 16 - Adopting?

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Izuku took the wolves around while still patrolling the city. They were pretty quick to understand the city. After Izuku explained, they already knew the city inside out.

A week passed. Izuku as Meian was watching over Eraserhead.

'Damn. He still looks guilty.' He found that Eraserhead is easier to read if he looks at the eyes. 'I guess it's time to let him see me...'

He ran past the hero. Knowing fully well that he'll chase him, he stopped at an alleyway.

"Heya, Eraser."


A week has passed and Aizawa still feels guilty. He patrolled his area hoping he saw the vigilante. Not to capture him, but to thank him properly.

He suddenly saw the black hoodie, whizzing past him. He chased the figure, knowing it was Meian, to an alleyway.

"Heya, Eraser." He heard the vigilante.

"Meian..." he could barely speak as he remembered the bloody abdomen.

"Damn, you sound horrible. Here, have a coffee." Meian said as he gave Eraserhead a coffee he made himself. 'Gosh... good thing I made this. He doesn't sound too good. I guess I really left him feeling guilty...'

Eraserhead took the coffee hesitantly. Watching Meian, scared if he would leave him.

"Hey." Meian said in a soft voice, "I won't leave you, if you don't catch me. Deal?" 'I know that look, Eraser. I've seen it before.'

"I... I-"

"Hey, it's fine. I'm alright. See? I'm here, I'm standing." Meian walked closer to the man and hugged him. Though because of his height, he just hugged his waist.

"Let it out. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." And as soon as he said that, Eraserhead fell to his knees, hugging him back.

Right now, he wasn't Eraserhead. He was Aizawa. He wasn't a hero, but a man in need of help. Aizawa didn't even realize. He had been holding back his guilt, and now it burst out. He was crying onto the vigilante's hoodie.

"Aizawa," Meian said, "do you want to see where I've been hit?"

He didn't even care how he knew his real name. He just nodded and Meian lifted up his hoodie, showing that the wound is healed like it was never there.

"Aizawa, I'm here. I'm fine. You don't have to worry anymore, okay? Here, drink your coffee. It'll make you feel better.

He did as he was told. Just like Meian said, he was feeling a bit better.

"There, there. You just need a good rest, Aizawa. I'll be here, now. Sleep." After he said that, Meian sang a lullaby to help Aizawa sleep.

Usually, the man wouldn't sleep just anywhere, but he felt like he was safe. He felt safe in the vigilante's arms as he sang for him.

'Man, I really did make him feel guilty if he's sleeping almost immediately. I'm sorry, Aizawa. Don't worry, I'll protect you while you sleep.'


Hours passed. Aizawa woke up feeling refreshed. He doesn't usually feel that way though...

"Ah, you're awake."

Aizawa jolted up. 'Why did I sleep outside? How long did I sleep?'

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're fine." Meian said, reassuring the man.

"Meian?" Aizawa suddenly remembered everything. "Oh no..." he mumbled.

"Aizawa. It's fine. We're all human. We all need some reassurance from someone else sometimes. You didn't sleep that long anyway. Only three hours."

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