Chapter 46 - Accident To Disaster

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"You've been staring at that paper for a while. Stuck?" Addison asked Izuku.

"Addy! Yeah, kinda. Wanna help?"

"What are you making exactly?"

"A voice changer for Hitoshi. I just can't figure out what voice I should give him."

"Can you play with his pitch? Like higher and lower."

"Well, I've thought of that, but I don't think it would surprise the opponent."

"Hmm... oh! What if you give him a girl's voice? That would surprise the opponent, right?"

"I guess so. I would like him to have multiple voices though."

"Oh, with that, you could add a deep man voice! Or maybe even a baby's voice! Hmm... a chipmunk voice?"

Izuku burst out laughing. "A chipmunk voice? What would a chipmunk voice be like?"

"Erm... I don't know. Cute?"

"High pitched? Hmm... maybe there's some voices I could use from the internet." Izuku moved to look at his laptop. "Hey, there's loads! There's even All Might's voice... oh, look! Present Mic's voice... Endeavor's voice? I guess that's useful. If you wanna scare villains..."

"Any normal voices that aren't heroes?"

"Hmm... let's see... wait... what?! Meian's voice? How did it even get there?" He clicked on it. A sample of the voice was heard. "It... doesn't even sound like me..."

"Well, no one can do an exact replica. That would require your actual voice changer."

"I guess so. Well, I've found some normal voices as well. Now I just have to make the thing. Wish me luck, Addy."

"You don't need them, Izu. You're going to succeed even without it." Addison left him to work on the support item.


A few days later, Meian visited Hitoshi, bringing the voice changer that he had finished.

"Hey, Hito. I am back with the voice changer." Meian said, showing the support item.

"Woah, that was quick! We've only mentioned it a few days ago." Hitoshi said, surprised.

"A week actually. It's been a week."

"It's been a week? It felt less than a week though..."

"Well, let's go and test it out, shall we?"

"Yep. Let's go to my room."

Meian and Hitoshi went to the mentioned room. "So, how do I use it?" Hitoshi asked, giddy and excited about the new item.

"You put it on like a mask. Here, I'll put it on for you." Meian put the voice changer over Hitoshi's mouth.

"Do I just speak now? Hey, my voice is still the same."

"Yeah, you haven't picked a voice yet. Turn this to find the voice you want, and then speak." Meian pointed to the side of the voice changer.

Hitoshi did as instructed. "So I just speak?" His voice came out high pitched. "Woah! I sound like a chipmunk!"

Meian laughed at the high pitched voice. "Do you want to try your quirk on me first before you try the different voices?"

"He? There's different voices? How many are there?"

"A lot." Meian bluntly said. "So, what do you choose?"

"Eh?! Erm... then, I'll try my quirk first."


"You ready?"

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