Chapter 1 - Quirkless

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"..." → speak
'...' → thoughts

"Mom! Dad! Come on! I wanna know what quirk I have!" Izuku said excitedly.

"The appointment is later in the day, Zuki. It's still too early."

"But mom... I wanna know now..."

"What about we get ice cream first, huh? After we eat those, we will go to the doctor. I'm sure it will be time then."

"Okay, dad!"


"Just give it up, won't you? He has two pinky toe joints. He'll never get a quirk."

The look on Midoriya Izuku's parents was indescribable. It was a mixture of sadness, anger, and many more.

"But how?! I have a fire breathing quirk, and my wife has a telekinesis quirk. Even though it's weak, I'm sure he'll get some kind of quirk."

Izuku didn't understand what was happening. He asked, "Mom, what's going on? Why is dad shouting? What's my quirk?"

Inko didn't answer. She doesn't want her son to be sad, but she also doesn't want to lie. So instead, she said, "We'll tell you later, okay, Zuki? We will tell you when we're at home."


"Izuku, we want you to know that we love you, okay? We love you no matter what." Hisashi said on their way back from the doctor's.

"I love you both too, but... why are you telling me this now? Is my quirk bad?" Izuku is now worried about what his quirk may be.

"No quirk is bad, Zuki. It's the person who uses it who makes the quirk good or bad." Inko replied.

Izuku has always been a smart kid. He likes to write about heroes. What their quirks are, how they work, and even how they can improve on them. Although it's very messy, he already has lots of notebooks on them, and it's very accurate if you look at them. So it is no surprise that he can connect the lines;

His father said that after knowing what his quirk is (or in this case, no quirk). Of course he would think that his quirk is bad.

Inko thought on how on earth is she going to tell his overly smart son that he has no quirk at all. She knew that he wanted to be a hero, but there has never been a quirkless hero before. She wondered if her son could ever be one. If he could, he would probably be the first-ever quirkless hero.


Izuku stared at his parents. He was shocked.

"I'm... quirkless? Can... I... still be... a hero?"

Izuku is in tears. Inko and Hisashi felt so bad. They didn't know how to answer that question.

"Izuku, listen carefully. A hero's work is very dangerous, even with quirks they are still dangerous. You know that, right?"

"Yes, dad. I know."

With that, Izuku ran to his room and quickly opened his laptop. He occupied himself by researching heroes. In that search, he found something. Some heroes out there can fight without their quirk. Sure, they're not quirkless, but even without a quirk, they can fight.

One particular underground hero interested him the most. His hero name is Eraserhead. His quirk is Eraser; he can erase someone else's quirk when he looks at the person. It doesn't work on mutation quirk though. He has a scarf that works as a capture weapon. He fights amazingly. He basically fights quirkless, he just evened out the fight, making the other person quirkless as well.

The information he got made him so happy. He ran to his parents.

"Mom! Dad! I can still be a hero!"

Inko and Hisashi were shocked to hear this.

"What makes you say that, Izu?"

"Look! He fights without his quirk! He's still so strong like All Might!"

Izuku has always liked All Might, the number one hero. His room was full of All Might things. Posters, dolls, figurines, everything about All Might can be found in the bedroom. Even his bed is All Might themed.

Hisashi looked at what his son brought. He found a picture of what looked like a homeless man.

"Who is this, Izuku? All I see is a homeless man."

Izuku chuckled at his father's comment.

"Dad, he's not homeless." He paused. "At least, I don't think he is... I didn't look that up." He hummed. "A-anyway! He's an underground pro hero, so it's not surprising that you don't know who he is. He basically fights quirkless! Can you please teach me how to fight, dad?"

Hisashi looked at his son. Izuku's eyes are full of determination. He sighed. He is not a hero, but he does know how to fight. He learned a couple different types of martial arts when he was younger.

"Okay, Izuku. I'll teach you how to fight. I'm not a hero myself, but I can teach you some stuff. I'm warning you though, it will be hard. Are you absolutely sure you're up for it?"

Izuku's eyes lit up.

"Yes, dad!"

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