Chapter 60 - Mikumo In UA

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"Have fun in UA, Izuku." Addison smiled.

"Story time later, right?" Locco asked.

"Definitely, see you all later." Izuku left the cave. He was going to UA as Mikumo today.

He stood in front of the UA gates. 'Hope this works...' He looked at the pass in his hand and walked in. 'No alarms. Good...'

He makes his way to the teacher's office, and knocks. 'I'm not Meian. I'm not Meian. I'm not Meian.'

The door opened slightly. He could see a bit of Ectoplasm's tan cloak.


A knock was heard from the door. "Hey, could anyone get that, please? I'm a bit full!"

Ectoplasm heard Midnight. 'Might as well...' He walked to the door and opened it slightly. He didn't expect to see his favorite youtuber and immediately closed it again in panic.

"Woah, Ecto. You okay there? Who's at the door?" Present Mic asked. "It's not a villain is it?"

"N-no. I-it's... M-Mi-Mikumo." He managed to stutter out.

"Hmm?" Present Mic walked over and opened the door himself. "Oh, hey, little listener. I thought you didn't do visits."

"H-hey... Present Mic. I... changed my mind?"

"Come on in."

"Thank you."

Mikumo looked towards Ectoplasm. "Hi... heard you're a fan?"

"I... Umm... sorry I closed the door on you. I got nervous..."

Mikumo smiled. "It's okay. I'm nervous too. I don't really do visits..."

"No way! You're Mikumo!" Midnight squealed.

"Hello." He waved. He turned to face all the teachers. "Nice to meet you all."

"Are you really nervous? You don't seem to be."

"Uh... Meian told me much about you before going here... so it makes me less nervous, I guess."

"You know Meian? Wait, how did you get in here without setting off the alarm?" Snipe got suspicious. "How do we even know that you are Mikumo?"

"Oh, of course." He took out his pass. "I have Meian's pass to UA. He let me borrow it for today."

"Okay... we figured out how you get in. That still doesn't prove you're Mikumo."

"Oh, come on, Snipe. The boy is right here! We already know he isn't dangerous." Midnight shrugged.

"Why don't you sing something for us. We all know your voice. That will be proof enough for you, right?" Hizashi raised an eyebrow to Snipe.

"I can do that... if it doesn't disturb anyone..."

"I have some instrumentals in my phone. What song would you like to sing?" Ectoplasm asked.

"Anything is fine. Uh... you can pick."

"Hmm.... Oh, this one is short and you've covered it before."

"What song?"

"This Mountain by Faouzia."

"Alright. Let's do it then. Gosh, I feel naked without my guitar."

Ectoplasm played the instrumental.

(Song: This Mountain by Faouzia)

Climbing up this mountain
Climbing up twice
Hoping that I make it this time
But I'm so done with hoping
'Cause hoping is to failing is to

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