Chapter 88 - Yamada Family

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"Izuku, you better hurry or you'll be late." Addison rushed him after they had their dinner.

"I know, I know. I just have to put my shoes on... There, I'm ready."

"Then go, you slowpoke." Basil pushed Izuku as quickly and gently as she could to the cave entrance.

"Okay, okay. I'll see you later, everyone!" He waved to the other wolves. As he went out, he crossed paths with Kion. "Oh hey, Kion. Done with your patrol, I see. We saved you some dinner as usual. Addy should show you where it is. For now, I gotta run. See ya, Kion!"

"See ya later, Izuku! Be safe and don't slip again! Love you!" He roared.

"I won't! Love you too, Kion!"


'Umm... this should be the one, right?' He stood in front of a big house. 'Why is it so huge?! Isn't it usually only for two people?'

He rang the doorbell. 'Shouta said to enter like a normal person so... for once, I should just be a normal person, even though I'm totally not.'

The door opened, revealing an old man.

'Most likely Hizashi's father.' Meian thought. "Good evening, si-"

"MEIAN!" The old man closed his mouth, knowing he'd spoken too loud. "Come on in, please." He jitters, looking nervous and happy at the same time.

Meian followed the man inside, seeing the house full of people. 'I thought it was only Hizashi's parents, Shouta, and Hizashi. I didn't know others were here.'

"Hey, Meian! You made it!" Hizashi grinned at him. "You've already met my dad, Kazuhiro." He gestured to the still jittery man that opened the door. "He's a fan of yours, by the way." He whispered to Meian and smiled. Meian smiled back.

"That woman over there is my beloved mother, Mikalah." He gestured to the woman talking with the other guests. "She's deaf, but I heard you can sign?"

"I can." He nodded and confirmed.

"Great. And the other three she's talking to are my siblings."

'Oh, siblings... that's why the house is so big. It used to fit six people.'

"My big sister, Kazuko, works as a writer. A good one at that. She has a very wild imagination. My brother, Akechi, is a very smart guy, if I do say so myself. He's in university for... tech stuff. Sometimes helps make support items for heroes, but that's not his specialty. Last, but not least is my still moody teen little sister, Utau."

"She's pretty."

"I know, right? She's a very good singer too. Don't tell her I said that and don't let her hear that. She'll get very... umm... confident." He said quietly so that only Meian could hear.

Meian giggled. "I'll keep that in mind." He looked towards the kitchen and saw Shouta.

Shouta felt that he was being watched and looked back at Meian. "Oh, hey, Meian. You're here already?"

"Hey, Shouta!" He grinned.

"And here I thought you were gonna come through a window again."

"You're the one who told me to enter like a normal person." He pouted. "Even though I'm definitely not a normal person."

"Glad you listened for once."

Meian saw a head poking out of the door. "Oh, hey! You brought the cats!" He crouched down. "Hey there, girls. How's life treating you?"

"More people means more noises in this house... I still have to find a hiding spot..." Yua said, looking tired.

"You know... I think Shouta is a good hiding spot. Maybe go to him and ask for a hiding spot." Meian suggested.

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