Chapter 62 - The Lone White Lion

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After the lessons with weapons, Meian figured they should relax. So they tidied the weapons and went to the river.

Meian, Aizawa, and Hizashi were sitting just underneath a tree, watching the animals play.

"Hey, Meian." Hizashi called. "Don't you think that part is dangerous?" He pointed to the top of the waterfall.

"Hmm? Oh..." Meian remembered when he himself fell from there. He chuckled. "Oh yeah! You fell from there too, didn't you?"

"Too? What do you mean, too?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

"I fell from there too, once. Saving Kion when he was still a little cub."

"Wha- How did you survive that?! Was the river's current not that strong back then?" Hizashi put his hand in the river, only to have it pushed by the river's current.

"No, the current was just as strong, and we fell deep. Noah saved me... us." He smiled.

Aizawa sighed. "Someone should really put a fence there."

"But if a fence were there, it would destroy the natural view, won't it?" Meian protested. "Besides, I don't want anyone finding out there's a human living here."

"Well, it's better if no one falls from there anymore. It's the logical thing to do."

Meian sighed. "I guess it is the logical thing to do-"

"Meian?" Hizashi called. He was confused about why he suddenly stopped talking.

'I hear something... where is it?' Meian looked around.

"Meian, what are-" Aizawa was stopped by a finger from Meian. He raised an eyebrow.

Meian concentrated on his surroundings. 'I know I heard something... it's an animal, but from where...' He heard a step. 'There! Oh, not again...' He looked up towards the waterfall.

He took a deep breath. "You two stay here. I'll be back in a bit." He said to the still confused couple as he ran.

"Where are you going?!" Aizawa screamed, but Meian already went.

Everest, hearing this, looked to where Meian was heading. 'Why is he going up there?' He sniffed. 'Oh no, not again...'

He connected all the pack's minds. 'There's a lion on the top. Izuku is approaching it.' He informed.

When Noah heard, he immediately went close to the waterfall. So if Izuku falls again, he'd be ready.

Locco stood by the waterfall. If Izuku or anyone falls, he could at least try to lessen the speed of falling so that Noah shouldn't have to dive so deep. Wink and Tucker stood beside him, Basil and Everest on the opposite side of the river.

Kion and Tora stayed with Aizawa and Hizashi to keep them company, and to make sure they stayed put.

Addison followed Izuku up the cliff. She figured she could help if he needed it.

"Why is the pack on edge? What is happening?" Hizashi grew nervous.

Aizawa looked up the cliff. 'Is Meian going up there? Hmm? What's that?' He saw a tip of green. 'Is that a bush? I don't remember a bush there before...'


Meian climbed up the cliff from behind. He heard Everest said it's a lion. 'I have to show my face... good thing those two didn't follow me.' He took off his mask and pulled down his hoodie.

He looked around. 'There! Hmm? The fur... it's... white? It's a white lion! Woah, cool!!'

He observed it more. 'Looks like a male... Nayla's age.... but he's a bit bigger, so maybe a little older? What is he doing? He's just wandering around... hopefully he doesn't fall.'

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