Chapter 92 - Failed

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"Izuku... I'm curious... What does the city look like during the day?" Locco asked, lying down on Izuku's lap.

"During the day?"

"Yeah... I saw the city once during the night, but never in the day. What does it look like?"

"Hmm... it's much brighter. There aren't many trees so there's not a lot of shade from the sun. The buildings reflect the sunlight when it's made of glass..." Before Izuku continues, he can see that Locco is confused.

Izuku chuckled. "How about I go to the city right now to take pictures, yeah? That way you can see what I mean."

Looco perked up. "Okay! Maybe you'll have more stories for lunch later too."


Izuku took his phone, going to the city. 'Damn... it's too early to take day pictures. Hmm?'

He looked towards a park, seeing one lonely girl sitting on a bench.

'A little girl? How old is she? About... five? Six maybe?' He tilted his head, going to the girl. "Hey there."

The girl looked at him. "Hello?"

"Can I sit with you?"

The girl blinked, then she nodded.

"My name is Izuku. What's yours?" He asked, sitting down.

She didn't respond immediately, glancing at him suspiciously. "C-Cyrus..."

"Cyrus huh? Beautiful name. Hey, Cy. Can you tell me where your parents are?"

"Papa.. and mama... at home..."

"I see. Do they know where you are?"

She shook her head. "I'm a bother... it's better if I'm not there..."

"Hmm?" Izuku noticed the girl gritting her teeth and holding back her tears. "Cyrus..." He put his hand on hers. "What makes you think so?"

She shook her head again. "It's a fact... I keep..." She sobbed. "I keep wasting their money on me. They... they said it themselves..."

Izuku sighed, rubbing her back. 'Bad parents again? Their child wasting their money? Then why have one in the first place?' He huffed internally, wanting to lecture them.

"My... My health is always bad... ever since I was born. I keep... having to go to the hospital. That's why I'm thankful for my quirk." She smiled slightly.

"Your quirk?"

"Mhm... the doctor said it heals me quicker than other people. It balances my bad health so I don't have to go to the hospital anymore." She gripped her shirt.

"That's great, Cyrus!" Izuku smiled.

"I think so too... but... but..." She started crying again. "But mama and papa... they don't... they don't think so..."

Izuku frowned.

"They started saying I'm wasting their money... I didn't know... I didn't know..." She couldn't finish her sentence as her tears fell rapidly.

Izuku pulled her into a hug. 'She only started hearing those words after she got her quirk... why? Shouldn't the parents be grateful that their daughter can live a normal-"

He paused, realizing what he just thought. 'Ah... normal... they weren't complaining about money before she got her quirk. They don't like that she became a normal person like she doesn't have a quirk. Tch... another quirk problem...'

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