Chapter 72 - Hide And Seek

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"Don't forget your coat, Zashi. It's cold outside." Aizawa reminded his boyfriend as they were going out to visit Meian.

"Yes, yes, Shou, I know that. It's winter. How could it not be cold?" Hizashi put on his winter coat. "Hmm... Does Meian only wear his hoodie? Like all seasons?" He thought of last month, December, Meian was just wearing that black hoodie. No additional warm clothing. "Doesn't it get hot in the summer?" Hizashi wondered.

"Don't be asking me those questions. I'm not Meian." Aizawa sighed. "Let's just go. Tora's waiting already."



In the forest, they were hanging out on their usual spot under the tree, which is now bare without its leaves. It was snowing and the snow layers were thick.

"Geez, Meian. Aren't you cold in this weather? You're only wearing your hoodie." Hizashi pointed out.

"I'm not that stupid to not include a heater in my hoodie for winter." Meian pouted. "I don't really need warm clothes here in the forest. The wolves' fur is already warm enough."

"That is so convenient. What about the summer? Don't you get hot in that thing?"

"No, not really... I guess the material is good for summer." He smiled.

"Speaking of the wolves..." Aizawa looked around. "Where are they? They're usually running around and we're able to see them."

"What do you mean?" Meian looked around. 'Huh? Where are they? I can feel their presence...' He looked more closely. 'Oh my goodness! They're so perfectly camouflaged in the snow!' He laughed.

"Is something funny?" Aizawa asked.

"Don't worry. They're here. It's just... their fur is so much like snow, they're perfectly camouflaged with all these layers of snow."

Everest pops his head out with his tongue out next to Meian. As a reflex, Meian petted him. "You can play hide and seek in winters with those fur. I'm so jealous. You blend in perfectly." He kissed him.

Locco came from behind, tackling him. "I want kisses too!"

"You want kisses, do you? You gotta work for it! Come on! I'll chase ya!" He stood up as Locco ran. "You can seek out the other wolves if you want. Just remember, they're smarter than you think." He turned to the couple and smirked before he chased Locco down.

Aizawa and Hizashi looked at each other.

"Wanna try?" Hizashi asked.

Aizawa thought about it. "Why not? It could be like training, I guess."

Hizashi chuffed. "Training?"

"Yeah. Like if someone has a camouflage quirk or something."

Hizashi laughed. "Just admit you wanna play, Shou. It doesn't hurt anybody." He grinned, teasing him. He left to seek the wolves before Aizawa could respond.

Aizawa sighed, but let out a chuckle. He looked around, trying to look for a wolf, and he saw some snow poking out, shaped like one of the wolves.

He slowly sneaked closer to not startle it, then he gently went to pet it. To his surprise, his fingers went through the snow with no fur on the way.

'This is all snow?' He dug into it. 'This is all snow!' He looked at Meian who is now giving kisses to Locco. 'Who made this wolf bump then? It couldn't be Meian 'cause he's occupied. Zashi... I don't think he could shape snow to a wolf this good.'

He looked around. A shadow appeared and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. 'Was that a wolf?' He looked at the snow he dug. 'Could a wolf have made this?' He wondered.

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