Chapter 84 - I Had To Think Twice

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Ula was assured that there was nothing wrong with Riki, and he was just another special animal that got to have a quirk. She was relieved to hear that and took Riki back to their den.

"Izuku, isn't it best for Riki to be with us? He has a quirk and we gather animals that are abnormal. It's why we're a pack in the first place." Everest asked.

"Well, let me ask you this. Did you read anything from Ula's mind that she doesn't like having an abnormal pup at all?"

"No, I didn't."

"Good. Then we don't have to. It's best for Riki to be with his family and to feel like he's like any other fox. If we took him in, he wouldn't feel that. Even though he does have a quirk like you all, he wouldn't fit in." Izuku explained.

"And remember that he's still a pup, Everest. He still needs to learn to be a fox. Like how Nayla needed to learn how to be a lion." Addison added.

"Oh, you're right. Okay, I get it. By the way, Izuku. Are you ever going to use any of the presents you've received? It's just been sitting there ever since you opened them." Everest looked at the corner where all of Izuku's stuff was.

Izuku curled his lips. 'Well... I guess I could use Snipe's offer to learn to use the gun...'


Meian went to UA, making sure it was at the end of all lessons before going in, searching for the hero.

"So you finally came to learn how to use a gun." Snipe smirked. "About time! Aizawa told me he taught you a bit, but he's not really the best teacher for that."

"Oh, yeah. I have my gun here." He said, showing his homemade gun.

"Oh, we're not using that. Come with me."

Snipe led him to a room people use to practice their gun shooting.

"Okay, first put these on." He handed him safety goggles, ear plugs, and ear protection. Meian put them on as he was told.

"Then, use this and show me how you shoot." Snipe handed him a gun, pointing to the target he's supposed to aim at.

Meian hesitantly grabs it. "Umm... this has bullets in it, doesn't it..."

"Of course it does! How would I know where the bullet was shot if there wasn't a bullet in the first place?"

Meian looked at the gun, took a deep breath, and pointed it at the target. He was about to shoot when Snipe stopped him.

"Nope, stop. You are too nervous, you're shaking. Is it because I'm here? You've held a gun before, right? You even have one."

"Y-yeah, I have a gun..."

"So it's because I'm here that made you so nervous?"

"No... it's because... the gun has a bullet that could kill... mine is just an air gun..."

"Oh... I didn't know that. You do know air guns can also kill, right?"

"I do, but I set mine only to knock the target out or knock them back, or maybe even fool them that it has bullets. Not... kill or draw blood..."

"Hmm... okay. So you set your own bullseye. Rather than the place to kill, aim at their leg to knock them down. Or perhaps their weapon to make them let go of it. That's a lot harder because you have to consider the position too."

"That's also the case for pressure points, huh..."

"That's even harder. Some villains are smart enough to protect them. Anyway, are you ready to try with this gun? I still need to know where the bullet goes, and I wouldn't be able to do that with an air gun. I promise you won't hurt anyone. We're alone here."

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