Chapter 8 - They Have Quirks?

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In the cave, Wink was playing with Locco, Basil was running around, Tucker was telling Basil to stop, and Addison was looking at Izuku's bag curiously.

'What did he bring that he doesn't want to leave behind?' She sniffed it and came to the conclusion that there's paper, plastic, and many more. But the most dominant smell is paper.

Then they heard a howl.

Every wolf stopped what they were doing.

"That's Everest's howl!" Tucker said.

"Basil, go to them right now! You're the fastest and the river is quite far. We'll be behind you." Addison quickly gives command.

"Right! See you soon!" With that, Basil ran off.

"C'mon guys, let's not stick around any longer. Everest may be in danger!" Tucker said.


"Noah! How is he? Is he alright?" Everest finally came back. He found Izuku lying on the ground, tiger cub on his arms, and Noah sitting beside them. All of them were wet from the river.

"I don't know. He's breathing though..."

Everest quickly checks on him. He accidentally stepped on Izuku's chest harshly. Izuku burst up to life, coughing and spitting water from his mouth. Everest flinched and quickly backed away.

"W-what? I'm alive? I'M ALIVE! Wait, where's the cub? Is it okay?"

Izuku looked at the cub on his arms and sighed. "Whew... he's okay..."

Everest growled and smacked him on the head.

"Ouch! Hey, Everest! Why did you do that?"

Everest barked angrily and smacked him again multiple times...

"Owowowowowow, okay, okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop it, please!"

Everest stopped.

"I'm sorry I worried you, Everest. I'm okay though, and the cub is okay as well, see?"

Everest sighed and flopped to the ground, exhausted from all the worrying.

"Wait, how did I get out of the river? Noah! You're wet! Did you pull me out?"

Noah barked.

"How?!?! I was pretty deep, you know! Did you not run out of breath??"

Noah whimpered, 'He knew it was deep? I am so screwed.'

'Huh? Could he breathe underwater? Can animals have quirks??? Let me think... wait... Nezu the principal of UA! He's an animal, and he has a quirk! Then...'

"Noah? Do you have a quirk?"

Noah was confused, "Quirk? What's a quirk? Everest? Do you know what a quirk is?"

Suddenly, an adult tiger showed up. Izuku tensed up. Holding the tiger cub protectively in his arms. It struggled, wanting to go to the adult tiger. 'I touched him, is the tiger gonna eat him now? I mean... Locco didn't get eaten...'

Reluctantly, Izuku let go of the tiger cub and eyed the adult tiger. Izuku realized the adult was a female. 'It's his mother.' The adult tiger licked the cub gently. 'Whew... she didn't eat him...'

The adult tiger then looked at Izuku, Noah, and Everest. She walked closer, keeping her head down showing no aggression. She licked Izuku, then Noah. She was going to lick Everest, but Everest avoided her, while keeping an eye on her as well.

The tiger looked at Izuku once more, "Thank you for saving my son." She bowed.

"H-h-h-heeee??? W-w-wha-what??? Why are you bowing?? There's no need to do that!! I saved him because it is the right thing to do. Please don't bow..."

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