Chapter 13 - Rising

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Aizawa went to UA as usual. His cockatoo friend is sticking close to him.

Yamada was a very close friend. He was there when they were studying in UA. He's there through thick and thin, making Aizawa a little bit more loose when he's alone with him.

He didn't expect Tsukauchi to be on his desk when he went into the teacher's lounge holding a box.

"Tsukauchi? What are you doing here? Don't you have work?"

"Well, I'm here to deliver this to you. This box was in my office last night. The letter said to give it to you since a certain vigilante doesn't want to sneak into UA."

"Vigilante? You mean... Meian?"

"You know a vigilante? And he sent you a gift??" Midnight screeched, "Awwe, Eraser! You've got yourself a fan!"

"Nem, I do not know the vigilante. I just saw him escape. And I have no idea why he's sending me something." Aizawa said as he took the box from the detective.

'How the heck did he know that I work in UA?'

He opened the box. He found a letter and goggles.

"Woow! Goggles! It looks just like yours, Shou!" Yamada said as he picked up the goggles and posed as he put them in front of his eyes. As he posed, he looked at the ceiling light, "Hey! It's dim!"

Aizawa read the letter,

'Heya, Eraser! I know you saw me when I helped you through that smoke bomb. You seem startled and I think your goggles need improvement. It's durable, light proof, smoke proof, and can't fog. It also has a heat sensor. I hope the size fits you.

Your favorite vigilante,


"Zashi, give it back. I want to test it." Aizawa commanded and Yamada obliged.

"What do you wanna test?" Maijima asked as he entered the teachers lounge. He was the teacher to the support course students. He makes lots of support items, so it was logical that he knew how to test stuff.

"Ah, Maijima. The perfect person for this. Test these goggles won't you? It's from a vigilante, and he said it is light proof, smoke proof, and can't fog. I'm not sure about anything else, he didn't say in his letter. Check for poison and the like as well. We don't know if it's dangerous."

"Hmm? If he could make stuff like this, he must have a great lab. He could be dangerous." He said as he took the goggles.

"He helped Eraser two nights ago. He was struggling with the villains, and he knocked them out in one hit." Tsukauchi explained. "He saved a lot of people and sometimes brought villains and criminals in front of the police station. I guess he's a good one, but we still gotta capture him for vigilantism."

"At least he's good. I'm gonna test this out now. I'll give it back after school, Eraser." Maijima said to Aizawa.

"Yeah." Aizawa replied. "You're gonna go now, Tsukauchi?"

"Yes, I still have work to do. See you soon." Tsukauchi said as he went out.



Aizawa looked at the person who called him.

"This... This is amazing. It's not dangerous. That's the first thing I'll say." Maijima said as he gave the goggles back. "It's super durable, unless someone with the strength of All Might fights you, it won't break. It does have a heat sensor, it's dim enough to block lights, but still clear enough, it's covered all the way so smoke won't get into your eyes, also this type of glass can't fog. This vigilante has the tools to make great things... I really hope he doesn't fall to the darkside... like selling in the black market."

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