Chapter 103 - Getting A Hero Ally

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Izuku put on his Meian costume, humming happily. He made sure 3 times that he wasn't watched and he didn't feel like he was being watched.

He then skips his way to Touya and Hitoshi's place. He hummed. "I'm gonna go visit Touya, lalala~" He sings quietly.

Little did he know, a single red feather was following him from behind.

Meian felt a shift in the air, and to his surprise, Hawks flew onto him, picking him up. "Uwah! Hawks?!"

"Meian! I've been looking for you, you slippery fellow!" Meian blinked at the statement, looking at the hero confusingly.

"Looking for me? Why? Also, can you maybe... put me down?"

"Ah, right, sorry. I couldn't let you get away from me before I could talk to you." Hawks grinned, putting him down.

Meian frowned. "Why would I run away from you?"

Hawks shrugged. "I hadn't signed the deal. I'm sure you know about that."

Meian nodded. "It doesn't mean I wouldn't help heroes who don't sign it though."

"Eh, it's not about that. I wanna make another deal just between you and me." He started.

Meian blinked at him again. "Another deal? Why?"

"I'm not good at guessing games. So, will you hear me out?"

Meian shrugged. "Sure, why not? Doesn't mean I'll accept it though."

"I could deal with that. How about I become the hero you can call at any time, help you with information, spying, anything you want, even maybe illegal stuff, and you can tell me who you are and your quirk? Maybe... introduce me to your non-hero ally too?"

Meian frowned. "Who said I have an ally?"

"Oh, come on. You know some interesting stuff, you must have an informant. Also I saw you saved someone Endeavor called a villain from him, but I don't really see you saving any other villains, so this one must be pretty special, perhaps one of your allies? I wanna get to know them."

Meian raised a brow. "Why would you want to know my allies if I do have them? Sounds suspicious. Also, I don't know if you should do illegal things. You're a hero, Hawks. You should set an example. Furthermore, how do I know you're not going to just tell someone about me? You didn't say that in your proposal." He pointed out.

"I just wanna have someone on my side too, you know? Someone who isn't a hero, but has some interesting information I can use. About that illegal thing, I'd only do it if I must. If you suggest it, I'll try something legal first of course. No one has to know about it." Hawks shrugged, then he looked deep in thought. "Your last question is a good point... How do I prove to you that I won't out you...? Hmm..."

'Wow, he's really thinking about this.' Meian thought as he watched the Hawks. 'Having a hero that knows me and would do what I suggest would be nice. He's also very fast. Ah, but he could hate me after knowing I'm quirkless...'

"Ah, I have an idea. I don't like it, but I guess you won't like revealing yourself to me either, so it would be fair. I can tell you something from my past that is absolutely secret. No one can know about it. Even the hero commission told me not to tell anyone about it."

"You're willing to share your secret with me?" Meian widened his eyes. 'This is a second... First All Might, now Hawks?'

"Yeah. It'll make sure neither of us tell our secrets, right?"

Meian bit his lip. "Can I add something to the deal?"

"Sure, tell me about it." Hawks shrugged.

"I need to make sure something about you before telling you about my quirk. I can tell you who I am, but you can't research me up until I can say so. Not even googling my name."

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