Chapter 33 - In Aizawa's House

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Aizawa watched the interaction between the vigilante and his kitten. He doesn't know if he was surprised because Tora was active or that Meian was hugging his cat like he knew her. He didn't want to interrupt and he didn't know what to do, so he just... stared at them.

Yua, who was in the kitchen, walked into the room to see a stranger holding her sister, and her human just staring at them. 'I left just to eat and this happened. What even is this? Okay, first things first, snap human back to life.'

She walked to Aizawa, who still hadn't noticed her, and jumped to his shoulder, making Aizawa put his attention on her. 'Okay, human is back. Now what do I do to that stranger? Human brought him here, so I don't think he's dangerous... but he's holding Tora and last time I checked, Tora doesn't like to be held. I tried cuddling her once and she got angry!'

Yua jumped down from Aizawa and walked towards the stranger.

"Y-Yua!" Aizawa tried to stop her, but it was too late. Yua attacked Meian until he let her sister go.

Nala was annoyed and angry. She stood between Meian and Yua and hissed. "Why did you do that?!" Her fur stood up, showing that she is really angry. "You hurt Izuku! I'll never forgive you!"

Yua, surprised to hear those words, lowered her head. "I-I-I thought you were in trouble..."

"Well I wasn't! Can you really not read the atmosphere?! I am finally happy I'm able to see Izuku again, and YOU HURT HIM!"

Looking at the scene, Meian stepped in. He remembered the one spot Nala loves to be petted. He reached out his hand to Nala's neck and scratched it. "Nala, calm down. I'm not hurt." He said.

With the touch, Nala immediately calmed down and laid on her back, inviting Izuku to rub her belly.

Yua, scared that her sister just dropped to the ground, ran towards her. "Tora!"

"Leave us alone, Yua." Nala replied, still being rubbed by Izuku.

"Hmm... Yua, right? It's okay. I'm not hurting your sister." Meian said, reassuring the worried cat.

"You made her drop to the ground!" She hissed.

"Actually, she pinned me down to the ground. Thinking about it, it's funny. How did you pin me down when you're that small?" He chuckled and stopped rubbing Nala's belly.

"You... you understand what I said??" Yua asked, surprised.

"I do." He smiled softly.

"I still don't forgive you for attacking Izuku." Nala said, still annoyed.

"Nala. She didn't hurt me. I'm fine. Besides, she did it because she thought you were in trouble. Didn't you say that you'll do the same thing if he got in trouble?"

Nala looked at Izuku and then at Yua. "I... guess. Fine, I forgive you, but never do that again."

All that time, Aizawa was totally confused. His cats just got into a fight and Meian stopped them. All he heard from his cats are just meows, but Meian was able to talk to them? He feels like it was all a dream. Maybe if he pinch himself, he would wake up.

"Aizawa, why are you pinching yourself?"

"Okay, so this isn't a dream..."

"Why would you think it's a dream?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because Tora is actually active today, she pinned you down, then you hugged her like you've known her before, you stopped my cats from fighting, and you talked to them? Like, can you actually understand them??"

'Oops... I think I broke Aizawa...'

"Is human okay? He seems stressed." Yua asked.

"Izuku?" Nala also didn't understand and asked Izuku for an explanation.

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