Chapter 52 - The Todoroki Family

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"I'll be going now."

"Okay, Izuku. Be careful. From what you said, Endeavor is a dangerous man." Addison reminded him.

"I know, Addy. I'll just be spying on him like we discussed yesterday."

"No talking to him either." Everest glared.

"Yes, Evy. I don't want to either."

Yesterday, at lunch, the pack discussed Touya's hatred towards his father. Izuku didn't like the number two hero before he even met Touya. He doesn't see him as a hero. Simply because the man does more damage than the villains he captures, and he did not even care about the surrounding civilians.

He figured he wasn't very nice to his family either, but for Touya to call him a monster? He just had to investigate.

"I'm going to Dagoba Beach later to pick up some things for the gun. So I might be out for a while. I'll contact you if something comes up though." Izuku went out. "See you later."


Meian got to where he thinks Endeavor and his kids were living. It was a very Japanese traditional house. 'I guess Endeavor likes his traditions?'

He peeked inside. It was the kitchen. He saw a white haired girl, cooking. She looks like what a mother should look like, but he knew Todoroki Rei was in the hospital. So this must be the daughter, Todoroki Fuyumi.

He moved on to the next room. A white haired boy was on his desk, studying. 'That spiky hair reminds me of Kacchan's hair.' he held back his laugh. 'That one looks more tame though. Kacchan's hair is like a porcupine's.'

Before he moved on to the next room, he could already hear some grunts and screams. 'What the heck is going on in there?!' He peeked inside.

To his horror, he saw blood stains and puke stains on the floor. A boy his age kneeling and the number two hero standing over him. 'Oh my God...' He covered his mouth, afraid to accidentally say something.

He took out his phone and pressed the record button.

"Shouto! Stand up! You are supposed to be much stronger than this!" Endeavor shouted in obvious anger. Meian winced just by hearing it.

"You have mine and your mother's quirk. By far my bestest creation. Get up, Shouto!"

Todoroki Shouto stayed silent, but he complied. Meian could see his legs wobbling. 'He's gonna fall...'

"Stand up straight, you stubborn child. Tch! You should be proud to be my heritage. You are to surpass everyone, Shouto! You are my successor and you will surpass All Might! What good are you if you don't use my fire?!"

Meian wanted to close his eyes. He wanted to help the poor boy, but he promised. He promised to just spy. Just look. Not interfere with anything. He forced his eyes to open.

"Come on, Shouto! Use my fire!" Endeavor used his, mostly on Shouto's left to trigger the activation.

Shouto tried to dodge, but he fell. Crashing to the ground in agony. He coughed. Meian hoped he wasn't coughing out blood.

"Tch. What good is a tool if it isn't at top quality." He could hear Endeavor mumble. He wanted to cry. Who would do that to their own child?!

He stopped recording. He slid down to the ground, calming down his heart. He hugged his knees close to his chest, hiding his face in. 'What a nightmare... this is a total nightmare...'


He got away from the house, running to Dagoba Municipal Beach Park. He couldn't stay there any longer. He wondered how Touya was able to live there before.

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