Chapter 77 - Birthday Party?

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"Think that'll do it?" Hizashi asked, looking at the sent text.

"It's an excellent plan. I'm sure he's running here right now." Nezu smiled. "I believe we should all hide until he arrives?"

"You three are the only people who aren't hiding right now. Hurry up! You know he's fast if there's someone in need of help." Vlad King said from behind the couch.

"Oh, right."


Meian got in through the window. "Zawa?! Hiza?! Are you guys alright?!" He looked around the dark room.

Suddenly, the lights turned on.

"SURPRISE!!" All the people came out of their hiding spot and yelled.

"W-wha? I thought- Wait, what's going on?"

"It's a party, Meian!" Hizashi laughed. "Sorry if we scared ya. We ran out of ideas to get you here."

Meian blinked. "Is that why you wanted to 'talk' later in the day?"

Hizashi grinned. "Yep."

"What party is this by the way? And why am I the one you're surprising?"

"Zashi here, wanted to do something nice for you. So we planned a birthday party for you." Aizawa answered.

Meian blinked. "But it's not my birthday?"

"Yes, it is! It's Meian's birthday. The day Meian caught his first villain!" Hizashi grinned. "Tsukauchi helped look for the date."

"You keep that stuff?" Meian looked at Naomasa.

"Part of the job." He shrugged.

"So what are we waiting for?? Let's get this party started!!" Hizashi shouted.


Meian standing there wanted to burst into tears. It's been too long without a party in his life. Even then, it would only be a small party with his and Bakugou's family.

"How do you like my plan of getting you here?" Nezu climbed him.

Meian giggled. "An awesome scare, with a great surprise at the end." He looked at him and smiled. "Thank you."


"What do you want to do first, Meian? Food or games?" Hizashi asked.

'Good thing the pack had already eaten. Or else I'll feel bad.' Meian thought to himself.

"Helloo~~ earth to Meian."

"Oh! Umm... let's do games first."

"Okay, pick a person."


"Pick a person. Each person has a game in mind for us to play." Hizashi explained.

"Oh, I see. Hmm... I pick... Nao." He pointed to said man.

"Me? Alright, then it's time to play two truths and one lie." He grinned.

The room laughed, knowing it's his favorite game.

"Umm... how do you play?" Meian asked.

"It's simple. Someone tells two truths and a lie, and another person guesses which one is the lie." Naomasa explained.

"Oh, okay. Now I get why it's your favorite game."

"Have you never played this game before?"

"Nope. Time to experience it now, I guess. How do we pick the person who says the statements and the person who guesses?"

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