Chapter 101 - One for All

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"I'm an idiot..." Izuku put his head inside of Tucker's fur. "I'm such an idiot. What was I thinking?! I know I hate All Might then, but seriously!! I didn't have to threaten them. Nighteye hasn't even done anything bad."

Tucker listened quietly, giving comfort to the boy.

"What if All Might decided to reveal that I'm quirkless?!"

"He wouldn't do that. You told him what you would do if he did that." Everest countered him.

"I threatened him, Evy... What have I done...?" Izuku whimpered.

"Izuku, I think that's enough. What's done is done. Now let's focus on what you should do next. You were going to find out more about the quirk, right?" Addison said, having enough of Izuku's whimpering.

Izuku sighed, fiddling with Tucker's fur. "Yeah... I guess so." He took a deep breath, and stood up. "Thanks, Tucker." He whispered to the wolf, giving a small smile.

He walked to his laptop with Addison. "Alright, where shall we start? I can't just straight up look up "One for All", it's not widely known... Oh, but All Might did say something about receiving it from a mentor." Izuku thought deeply, thinking back to the times when he was obsessed with the number one hero. "Hmm... I think they have a kind of flying quirk... right? Urgh, besides Nighteye, there were two others that usually fought with All Might, and one was Gran Torino."

"Maybe have a look at your old notes?" Addison suggested.

"Hmm... I'll have a look at news that is 10 years old. My four year old self wasn't that good in organizing the information yet. It'll be messy."

He looked up the things he needed. "Ah, found her." He smiled. "Her hero name is Nanafly." He chuckled. "Also known as Shimura Nana. Her quirk is float, but she's also super strong. Must be the One for All quirk. Also, her hero name is just a combined version of her name and quirk. It surprisingly works and it's cute." Izuku grinned.

He took out an empty notebook, writing the information down.

"Yagi Toshinori, Shimura Nana, quirk: float." Izuku blinked. "Huh... I have no idea what All Might's quirk is besides One for All." He bit his lip.

He frowned. "Hey, Addy. Does a quirk that can pass down quirks sound familiar to you?"

Addison tilted his head. "What do you mean? That's All Might's quirk, right?"

"I mean... before we know it's All Might's quirk. I feel like I've heard of it before." Izuku hummed.

"You mentioned a quirk that can take and give others quirks. I remember that because I thought it was quite scary." Everest came into their conversation. "Could it be related?"

"Take and give- Oh! I remember now. It was when I searched about Shigaraki's name. The person who has a quirk that can be passed down and the person who has a quirk that can take and give quirks are brothers if I remember correctly." Izuku recalled. "Could that person be the first holder of One for All? How did they even know they have that quirk in the first place...?" He hummed.

He sighed, feeling confused. "I'll get to that later. Let's see if I can figure out what All Might's original quirk was." Izuku took out his hard disk. "It's been a while since I've used this."

He plugged it in and all the names of people in Japan came into the screen.

"Okay, let's see here... Yagi Toshinori." He typed. "His quirk? Hmm?" He blinked. "It says his quirk manifested super late... That must be the One for All quirk, but it doesn't say anything about his birth quirk." Izuku frowned, then widened his eyes in realization. "Of all things holy... He was quirkless???"

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