Chapter 9 - All Their Quirks

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Izuku has been understanding the wolves' language more and more. He could understand them better and even without their body language.

"Hey, Addy. I wanna ask this for a while... What's the role in this pack? Everest seems to be the alpha, but you sometimes take the lead." Izuku asked while they were learning together.

"Well, we don't really have a role. We just got along and be a family. We're not actually biologically a family, but it just happened."

"Wait, you're not a biological family? What about Locco? Isn't he your son?"

"No actually. He's a recently new member, but no. He just sees me as a mother figure, I guess. We're all the same age, but Wink and Locco are the youngest. I think you know who's the older one."

"So you're all the same age except Wink and Locco. Locco being the youngest of all of you."

"Yep! By the way, I've been meaning to ask. What is that thing you're always looking at? What does it do?"

"Oh, you mean this?" Izuku pointed at his laptop. "This is a laptop, I can search the answers for my questions. I can also watch some videos, whether it's useful, or just for entertainment."

"Where do all the answers come from?"

"I think it's from people all over the world. Sharing their knowledge."

"What about the videos? What's that?"

"I'll just show you." Izuku opened his laptop and went to Youtube. "Here, see? I can see the news of what's happening out there too."

"Hmm... can you... whats the word... send(?) a video there?"

"You mean upload. Yes, I can. It's actually pretty easy. I just have to record something, and upload it for the world to see." Izuku suddenly remembered what his mother said.

'Let the world hear my voice...'

"Hmm... Addy, do you think I should record myself singing? My mom once said that I should let the world hear my voice..."

"That's a great idea. Your voice is amazing. I remember the song you sang for your parents. It was beautiful."

"Thanks. I'm gonna go practice. Oh, and I should probably make a disguise... everyone knows what the missing child looks like..."


Izuku prepared the camera and place for the recording. He put on his disguise and started playing.

The wolves all gathered around, but not close enough for the camera to see them. They all enjoyed Izuku's singing.

After he sang, Izuku pulled out his laptop and started editing the video. The curious Addison looked at what Izuku was doing and learned mentally on how to edit and upload.

"And press this, and it should upload it. Now we just wait for it to go online." Izuku checked the time, "It's already nine? Wow, I did that for a long time." Izuku looked at the wolves. They're already in the middle of the cave curled up together. 'I better get some sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna go train with Nala. I wonder what we're going to do...'

Izuku found a place in between the wolves. The night in the forest is pretty chilly, but Izuku felt warm, surrounded by all of his wolves. He drifted to sleep in no time.


The next day came. Izuku woke up at five and checked on his video.

"Wow! I already got a hundred views! That's a lot for a beginner."

Izuku closed his laptop and prepared for his training with the tigers. He started training with them the day after Kion's rescue. He also can understand them though not as clear as he is with the wolves.

Moonlit Pack: A Quirkless Vigilante's PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now