6 - Team Michael

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My spirit came back to my body and I became slightly aware of my surroundings. That alone is an indication that I am now awake from my deep sleep. However, my breathings are still deep and my eyelids are fluttering. Maybe I'm half-asleep and half-awake?

I am facing the window side that is why the morning sun is saying hello to me. I almost forgot that we fell asleep here in the living room. The glimpse of last night brought a smile on my face because I can't ask for more. It is one of the best ways to spend the night.

I opened my eyes and the beautiful morning greeted my existence. The cold air from the airconditioner makes me want to cuddle with my blanket even more. However, his warmth next to mine and his arm that is embracing my body told me that it is so much better than a soft blanket.

My smile grew wider as I moved slowly to face his direction. He is still in his deep sleep and he looks so peaceful and free. I didn't remove his arm on my frame and I let him embrace me. Our bodies are so close to each other and my face is just an inch away from his.

Waking up next to someone really feels magical, right? I mean, waking up in general. I didn't mean a thing when I said that. It's just... it feels safe and comfortable when there is someone beside you compared to waking up in your own bed, alone.

I admired his beautiful face and I can't help but to rest my palm on his cheek. I want to memorize every little detail of his face. It is like sculpted by the gods. His looks can't be ignored. I just hope he sees it that way too... I hope he can see the beauty in him.

My gazes just focused on his sleeping face and my mind cannot even process the smell of french toast, bacon, and coffee from the kitchen. Maybe he woke up early and prepared some breakfast then he went back to sleep? That's possible. That's my Tarzan...

It seemed like, my fingers have their own  mind and they found their way to his short curls and play with them. I smiled again to myself when I traced his perfectly arched eyebrows down to his beautiful eyelids and long eyelashes. I also traced his nose bridge and his irresistible soft lips. 

A sudden flash of the way he is kissing me the other night is playing in my mind. Did I really kiss these inviting lips? Oh my God? I did!

What the hell, Faith?! What are you thinking?!

I pushed my thoughts away and rested my palm back to his perfect jawline. He knitted his eyebrows a little and scrunched his nose too.

"It's okay. It's just me." I whispered with a small smile when he opened his eyes a little.

"Faye..." He groaned and he let out a wonderful smile even he is still groggy and sleepy.

"You can sleep some more..." 

That is a nice suggestion because his short break is an opportunity for him to sleep all day, all night. When he's back on tour, I don't know anymore.

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