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"Wake up, sleepyhead."

A soft voice was knocking on my eardrums repeatedly that made my spirit to jump back inside my system. My consciousness came back but I remained closing my eyes because I felt my head swirled a bit.

"Baby..." Michael whispered again. His voice was so soft and calming that I just want to sleep again.

"Why are you calling me baby?" I murmured lazily. 

My hands tightened its grip around his arm. I changed the position of my head so I can snuggle on his neck even more. I felt his lips on the top of my head before his cute giggles made me smile too.

"Is it illegal?"

"No." I answered. "I just thought that baby is a bed thing."

"Bed thing?" He inquired. "Bed is wherever we wanted to, you know..."

"What?" I asked even though I understood what he meant. My grin widened.


"Quiet!" I whisper-yelled and slapped his arm. "Lower your voice."

"Why? Are you shy?" He giggled and fixed my hair.

"That I'm having sex with you? Yeah. I'm ashamed." I joked. "And embarrassed."

"Aww." He pouted. "You don't need to be that honest."

Michael was so cute that I can't help but to chuckle. I reached for his cheek so I could caress his soft skin. Our gaze met too and our eyes twinkled at one another.

"I'm just kidding." 

"I know." He smiled before we shared a sweet kiss as if it was... that natural.

The kiss was just a playful one. It was playful but the sweetness was there. We were grinning while kissing too and that made the kiss so wonderful.

"Are we in London already? That's why you interrupted my sleep, right?" I said as I sat properly and glanced at the window.

I almost forgot that we were in our flight back to London. My body and my soul were tired that all I did is to sleep under Michael's embrace. His presence was so comforting that I didn't mind that were flying above the clouds and I chose to sleep the whole flight.

"Yes. We're here." He said and rested his chin on my shoulder so he can look at the window too. "And because you were snoring."

"I was not!" I argued.

"Yes, you were."

"I hate you." 

"Mmm..." He just hummed before he giggled. 

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now