1 - Sweet Fantasy

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A/N: This chapter is adopted from Be My Valentine book with minor revisions ;)



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I whisper-yelled, trying not to get too much attention from all these people in the set of Michael's video shoot for his new single.

I mumbled my quick apologies to the people near me who got interfered and distracted from what they are doing because of my presence.

To my surprise, they just smiled at me instead of rolling their eyeballs. If I'm not mistaken, they shared the excitement that I am feeling.

I think, every one in here is sweet and kind-hearted just like their boss.

That man is really the sweetest man.

"Faye!" Michael yelled in excitement.

When I say yelled, he did really yell that everyone in the whole studio heard it. His voice echoed in the entire place but despite of the scream, his voice sounded music to one's ears. Also, since he's the King, he doesn't give any damn.

"How many times do I need to tell you? It's Faith not Faye."

I told him with a huge grin on my face just to level with his oh-so-confident smile that will, undoubtedly, steal every woman's heart or... panties. Yeah whatever. It will work either way.

"To me, you're Faye." He said confidently as he spread his arms, asking for a hug. "No hug for your dear friend?" Michael even arched his eyebrows that makes him a thousand times cuter.

Uhm, okay. I said cute not cuter. You know what? Just forget I said anything.

"You're such a softie." I teased him as we shared a bear hug as if we didn't see each other yesterday.

"That's because you know the true me." He whispered and I grabbed the opportunity to pull away from the hug but his arms are so strong that he locked me under his comforting arm.


He completely ignored my pushes and my annoyance as he gestured something to a man who is already marching towards us.

"Can you take some pictures of us?" He asked politely and that's when I noticed that the man he called is holding a camera. He must be a photographer or something.

"Smile." Michael grinned at me and tightened his arm around my shoulders as he gave me a look, asking me to relax.

"Okay..." I just answered because I knew damn well that he's not taking no as an answer.

The photographer worked his magic as he took several snaps of us. Being goofy friends, we shared different poses just like what friends who are so comfortable with each other will do.

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