40 - Don't Fence Me In

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"Hey... What's that?" 

Jesse stood beside me while I am helping Mama Kathy to cook for tonight's feast called dinner.

"I think this is your favorite." I smiled. "Beef chili?"

"Yes. My favorite." He said, sniffing the aroma of the cuisine. "How did you know?"

"You told me?"

"I did?" He questioned.

"Wait. You didn't?"


"I don't know." I got confused. Really.

"That's what you call small details, children." Mama laughed at us.

Only Mama and I are in the kitchen since every one is doing their assigned tasks for tonight. Janet is with our group too but I don't know where she is right now. She probably escaped since we already cooked a lot of food for tonight.

"I just don't know that Faith knows that detail, Mama." Jesse said while still standing next to me even though the heat from the stove is not a good feeling.

"To be fair, I am not aware that I know that detail not until now." I chuckled. "Here, have a taste." 

I put a fair amount of beef chili on a spoon and guided it to Jesse's mouth like he is a five-year-old kid.

"Here's the plane..." I joked but he played along and let me do my job.

"That's delicious." He cheered. "Very delicious. You made it?"

"Not really." I smiled at him. "Mama helped me. I don't wanna disappoint you."

"Aww..." He teased. "Everything you cook is delicious, Faith." 

My blood concentrated on my ears because of his words.

"Oh. It's nothing." I joked and laughed. "I just hope that it's okay because I am not a pro like Mama." 

"Mmm..." Mama hummed. "You are always welcome here, Faith. I can teach you a lot of recipes."

"Really?" I cheered.

"Of course, darling." She smiled.

"I love you, Mama." I said and hugged her.

"I love you too." 

"How about me?" Jesse said. "No I love yous and hugs for me?"

"Hug yourself." I teased him and he just pouted.

"You don't want Mama's hug, son. Ask Faith here to give you that hug." Mama chuckled.

"You hear that, Faith?"

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