106 - Be Strong

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I think I should drop a trigger warning starting from this chapter that the updates will tackle about anxiety, depression, and mental health in general. There is just a lot of baggage here



I went home and I didn't even know if this was a great idea. I can just spend another week anywhere however, there was something in me which kept on saying that I needed to be here.

There was a need to be here...

I needed to be home even though I didn't want to. There was a lot of places that I can visit but I still chose to be in the comfort of my home. It didn't fail me though. Just by seeing my nephews and nieces made me happy already. Their smiles were so contagious that I just found myself smiling too even my heart was still aching and breaking.

"Can you take a seat, please? I'm begging. I'm getting dizzy." Naomie scoffed at me because my ass was on fire.

I just could not settle to a single spot. I was walking here and there, pacing here and there. My mind blew to somewhere else and I didn't have any idea what they were talking about.

My siblings, they really loved to welcome me everytime I drop the bomb of coming home and I would be forever thankful for that. I can really feel the love but, we were not complete. A brother was missing.

"I'm sure she misses you too. It's a little different now. In the past, you were coming home to her first before you can actually go home. They will be here. Be patient."

I stared at Janet for long seconds because I really can't understand why she said those words to me then I remembered, I didn't tell them that Fay— that Faith and I were not in speaking terms.

I didn't have any reaction to Janet's teasing remarks. I just looked at her blankly and they ignored my boring face.

Maybe, I was nervous. Or excited. I didn't know what to feel or maybe, I was scared. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know how to react or how to be casual and friendly without being an asshole.

I can really see myself letting my guards down and melting like a butter in her arms. I might hug her when I see her and just forget about everything but I can't do that. I needed to be firm with my decision. It was better this way. 

See? I felt good. I did a great job when I was on tour. I spent my time wisely and finished everything that I needed to finish. My concert dates just kept on decreasing and we were so close to finishing the tour. I was excited to finish it so I can rest fully. I wanted to work full-time on my next album too.

That would be a great escape to divert my attention from my drowning thoughts.

We were done. 

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