52 - Reunion

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The London breeze is kinda warm since the summer sun is already brightening the whole town. The sun is present but it is still a little chilly so I'm wearing a comfortable blazer on top of my casual dress most of the time. 

The weather is perfect for travelling but we are swamped with huge loads of work these past few days because today is wedding day.

We are just double checking our work but even though everything is already perfect, we still need to be prepared if something comes up in the last minute. It's a whole new different challenge but since we are in this nature of work for a long time now, we are prepared for the most cases.

We had the time to roam around the place especially in our first days but when the wedding day comes closer and closer, we also became busier and busier.

I can't help but to be nervous too because working abroad is different from working at home. There's a lot to consider especially the culture and tradition of the foreign place. You cannot just decide to get married on this specific day at this exact place because there's a lot of paperworks. But still, it is worth it.

Despite of my busy schedule, I still have some good news though. Frank already responded to my messages and gave Bill's contact to me since that was what I demanded to him. Bill can help me through this and I don't wanna disturb someone else. I know they are all busy but I just wanna see my Tarzan.

Speaking of Michael, I don't know if he tried to reach me because I changed my phone number obviously. Jesse told me one night that Michael called Mama Kathy and asked about me but Jesse kept his mouth shut, taking his pinky promise seriously.

It's a good thing that the timezones are being friendly because there is no ungodly hour for Jesse and I. We just need to time it perfectly because when I have a free time at night, Jesse has a class to teach so I need to wait for his break time if we wanted to talk. That's if I'm still awake by then.

We are oceans apart but I can still feel that he is just beside me. We are not talking over the phone frequently but when we managed to have that free time, it'll last for hours. An hour, at least.

So far, I'm just being myself. I'm not letting anything bug my little pink bubble. I am so numb that I can't feel anything but I'm sure, I'll feel sentimental and emotional during the wedding.

We are at the Swan at Shakespeare's Globe. It is a romantic and iconic wedding venue which is near the London Bridge, St. Paul Cathedral, and River Thames.

Every tiny detail is already arranged. From the cocktails and cakes up to florist designs and decors. Everything is already perfect. All we have to do is to wait for this ceremony to end so there will be another couple who will share a dream of a lifetime.

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