34 - Fun

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I've never been in a place like this before. Spontaneous food trips along the road is an experience but being in a cozy place like this is a brand new feeling.

The whole place is a mixture of different cultures. Just search for the right food stall and one can have a taste of European and Asian foods. If you want to stick with your comfort taste, there's a lot of varieties of burgers and fries. And even local foods. It's still a win.

"Try this one." Jesse offered.

I looked at him and he is holding a barbecue stick with an orange ball at its tip. 

What is that?

"I don—" I hesitated.

"It's delicious. I promise."

"Another promise again."

"Because I'm not lying. It's delicious." He smiled before he looked back at the previous food stall we visited. "If I remembered it right," He met my eyes. "This is an Asian street food. It's just a flour." He grinned and I arched my brows at him. 

A flour?

"There's a quail egg inside." He added.

"A quail egg?"

"Yeah. The sauce is amazing." Jesse is really trying to persuade me.

I looked at the orange thingy again which is placed in a small cute bowl since the one that he is offering to me earlier is already in his stomach. Jesse ate it. He can't help it.

The orange thing is soaked to what Jesse said is a sauce. It's like a sweet and sour type of thing based from its appearance.

"Just try it. If you don't like it, then okay. At least you tried." He murmured and offered the food to me.

"Be careful. It's still a little hot." Jesse said while I let my taste buds taste the orange thing.

I inhaled sharply because I didn't expect that even though the orange ball is already warm, its inside is burning my mouth.

"I hate you." I tried to talk while I'm suppressing the tears that are trying to escape from my eyes. I am also fanning my mouth.

The damn thing is still hot!

Jesse is just laughing like crazy.

"I told you, be careful." He murmured. "But it's delicious, right?"

"Yes. Can I have some more?" I said because yeah... that thing exploded in my mouth especially that the sweet and sour taste of the sauce has a hint of spicyness too.

"Buy your own food, Faith." He grinned but I just gave him a look. "I'm kidding. What's mine is yours too."

"So..." I whispered. "I bet you're taking all your girls in this place to impress." I teased him while I scanned the area again. It's so beautiful.

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