9 - Don't Be Mad

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"I really love your curls." I muttered to Michael and he just beamed a toothless smile.

I am straddling on top of him with my hands on his shoulder and to his curls. His weight are both on his hands that are resting on the bed so we can maintain an acute angle. We love to steal kisses anyway.

And who cares about naked bodies?

"Why don't you curl your hair? It'll suit you." He said and he is looking at me with his very sincere eyes.


"Really." He answered. "I love your hair as it is though. You don't need to change it. It's already beautiful."

I pouted at him with a smile before I let my black hair swayed from side to side revealing the small waves at the ends of my hair.

"That's right. I love that." He beamed a sweet smile. "Beautiful."

"Stop complimenting. You're spoiling me." I slammed his chest playfully and we both let out a chuckle.

"What's wrong with spoiling? Just don't get used to it." He teased and I rolled my eyes at him. "And stop rolling your eyes at me."

"What? Like this?" I said and rolled my eyes again.

"Damn, girl." He whispered with his soft voice.

We just stared to one another with our giddy smiles. His right hand is caressing my left cheek softly. I can't help but to close my eyes and enjoy that cute feeling.

I felt his soft lips brushing mine so I gave in and kissed him back. My arms found their way around his neck and his hands are roaming to my back. He is now sitting properly while I'm towering him.

We're just playing but why this kiss feels so romantic and cute?

We both pulled away from the kiss to gasp some air and we just smiled to one another again. His smile is very contagious and no doubt, he got the most beautiful smile in the world.

I pushed him on the bed and attacked his lips again. Not in an aggresive way though. Just a cute and playful kiss. 

A sweet kiss is good. A sweet kiss is great.

He rolled our bodies over so he can be on top of me. He chuckled and I just gave him a glare. However, no glare can stop the moment and we shared another mindblowing kiss.

I want to be on top. I really want to be on top so I gathered all my strength so I can push his strong body and dominate him again. But I think that's a bad decision because when I pushed him? We both fell on the floor.

"You really want to be on top that bad?" He chuckled and I just pouted at him.

Because when we fell? His back slammed on the floor and his arms automatically embraced my frame like a mother bird protecting her youngs. Since he dragged me on this, I fell on top of him.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now