25 - Blessing

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Michael kissed me.

Michael is still kissing me.

Rough and hard.

Rough and hard enough to taste my own blood.

"Mic—" I tried to push him but he didn't budge. "Michael!" My voice raised so it can knock some sense to him. 

Thankfully, it worked. He stopped kissing me but the distance between us remained acute. 

"Breathe." I whispered to him as I am patting his chest gently. Our chests are moving rapidly too because the kiss was intense.

"I'm sorry." He closed his eyes and rested his forehead to mine. 

I nodded gently, absorbing his warm presence.

"It's okay..." I murmured, almost inaudible.

I cupped his cheeks and started to shower his jawline with soft kisses. His large hands are caressing my hips that encourage me to continue my kisses down to his strong neck.

He tilted his head downwards and it caused me to meet his waiting lips. Unlike earlier, the kiss we are sharing is passionate. 

It is not gentle but it is not rough. 

It is just the right amount of passion and lust in a kiss. The right amount of unspoken feelings which are already enough to drive us really wild.

I let my hands grip on his hair while I'm still pulling and pulling him closer to me. We shared a steamy kiss that keep our mouths wet. He explored my mouth and nipped my chin in a skillful way.

An inaudible gasp escaped from my mouth when his fingers traced my thighs from behind my knee up to my buttocks. 

His hands stayed underneath my skater dress, getting a complete grasp of my firm behind.

"Oh God..." I moaned when his lips crept down my throat and his hands cupped my behind so he can carry me towards the nearest table.

My thighs felt the coldness of the wooden table since my dress is now revealing an overwhelming amount of skin. 

Michael and I continued to share a hungry kiss that my grasps on his shoulders almost ripped his white shirt.

His right hand gripped tightly on my left thigh while his other hand roamed around my frame. My own hands are caressing every part of his body from his face, neck, shoulders down to his stomach.

I let my head fall back to give him more access on my neck. I tilted my head right away so I can return the hot kisses on his skin. 

His hands crawled towards my upper body until his thumbs are able to brush my already hard nipples even though it is still well-hidden under my green printed dress.

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