47 - Brown and Blue

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A/N: thank you for the unending patience for this story. I hope we'll stay until the end :)

 I hope we'll stay until the end :)

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No words can completely express how thankful I am that I met you. The moment you became a part of my life, I understood how wonderful life is. Without you, I'm sure I'm still living in an empty space, having an aimless and goalless life.

I'm looking forward for more treasured moments with you that I will cherish forever. I love how the butterflies in my stomach are rumbling everytime I see your smiles. Thank you for craving a smile on my face too.

If the world melts, I am hoping that you will burst into my door and take me with you. 

Until we see each other, Faye. I'll be gone for a short while but always remember that I'm always in your heart. I'll be home very soon, okay?

I'm so blessed to have you. It is an honest, humble truth.

You're just sleeping in my bed while I am writing this letter but I miss you already.

I love you forever,


I am fighting the urge to cry but I'm failing badly. My eyes are like waterfalls. I'm like a five year-old baby girl who accidentally wrecked my own baby doll or a bully kid stole a candy from me.

Michael's letter is always like that. Sweet, honest, and sentimental. He is making the best handwritten letters you will ever received. No pun intended for his messy handwriting. It's like his writing style is composed of a hundred fonts in a single sentence.

I like it though. It adds to the truthfulness of his message. To his sincerity. It is raw and pure.

It is always special and comes straight from the heart. And I love that.

I already lost count of how many letters I received from him. I am keeping all of it. From this kind of sweet letter to the simplest one. Even the ones he gave me after we did the nasty thing. The note which says 'Good morning' and 'Drink me'? I kept them too.

After taking a shower, I rummaged through my stuff. It's been almost three weeks but my packed bag from my short vacation at Michael's home is not yet organized back to its place.

When I unpacked it, there I saw, Michael's letter which is sandwiched in between my clothes. It seemed like he hid it intentionally. Michael never mentioned about this letter when we are talking over the phone.

I'm sure that he is laughing his ass off because I just found out about his letter 18 days after he left. He will know that I am not cleaning and rummaging through my stuff.

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