89 - For The First Time

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Faye-centric-ish short chapter. Sorry for the heartbreak already 😅

 Sorry for the heartbreak already 😅

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My head never stopped from swirling. In my thoughts, it felt like I was asleep the whole duration of the flight because if I will not let my eyes rest, tears will just keep on falling. My eyes were puffy red and my sight was a blur. My heart kept on pounding loudly too even though I didn't consume a great amount of caffeine.

All in my mind was that, I hope Michael is fine. I hope, he is doing well in his concert in London. But most importantly, I hope that he will have a great time even after the show. 

I don't want him to be sad when he is alone again in his room. The whole place will be empty again. We spent good days together and even though there was only the two of us, we maintained the happy ambiance.

I really need to let go of my thoughts. He made me promise that I will not worry about him. I will worry, still. However, I will stop thinking about him most of the time. I need to distract myself and switch my attention to something else. That, I can do.

The freaking timezone played with me right away which added to my painful migraine and rumbling stomach ache. The flight took half of my day already and my whole body suffered from it.

Starving was an understatement since I can't eat properly in the plane. When I arrived, I was greeted by the beautiful night sky of my home city. It was like I just took a trip for a few hours because when I left London, it was still afternoon but when I arrived in here, it was night already. But in London, the night was at its peak and I hoped, Tarzan was already drifting in dreamland after having another successful show.

I sent him a message that I was at the airport already but since I hoped that he was resting, I didn't expect a reply. I just let him know that I arrived safely and I was just searching for Gia in the crowd because she was the one who will pick me up.

Gia was well-informed about my flight and I arrived on time because there were no delays in my trip. There was a lot of people in here and I already got my luggage but my little sister was nowhere to be found.

I was roaming my eyes around while trying to call her but no one was answering. She will experience the wrath of her big sister later for making me wait this long.

No souvenirs for that young lady!

"Hey, stranger. Need help?"

I heard a voice but I was so busy to type an annoyed message to Gia. My mind was very occupied anyway to digest if someone was talking to me.

"Hey, stranger."

I tilted my head, my hands still holding my phone. The sea of people started to move in slow motion and in circles. It was like I am in a some sort of a movie with a random airport scene where people kept on moving forward but the girl protagonist got stuck in her own fantasy.

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