54 - Farewell Waltz

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And...! We're back to smut chapters again.

! We're back to smut chapters again

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I stared at the lovely city lights.

Michael's hotel room is like painted out from my dreams. It feels surreal. I've never been to this kind of place considering that it is just a room. 

His room is full of masculine touch. Black is the dominant color and the main theme of this four-cornered room just like what I'd noticed the moment I stepped inside this huge hall. 

The walls, the ceiling, the carpet, everything. Even the furnitures complemented with the theme. It looked classy but comfortable and cozy at the same time.

Well, this room looked expensive too. There's no doubt about that. Having the top floor for himself only? Wow. Just wow.

If you need to pay gold bars just to rent this room, how much this top floor cost then?

Maybe I'm just exaggerating but I am sure that this place is screaming money. I can't blame him though. I mean, he's an icon. Paying or not, I'm still wondering at the cost of this fancy place.

Staying for a night in this room alone will already cost me my salary for the whole year or even more. I'm not sure about it because I didn't ask Michael but this room is oozing tons of money.

I am already in my pajamas and t-shirt since Michael let me used the shower first. Actually, it's Michael's clothes since I didn't bring my luggage with me so I just borrowed from him.

My original plan was to just visit him, watch the concert, and stay in my own hotel room afterwards. That was what I said to him earlier but he didn't care. 

He wants me to stay.

I want to stay too. 

There's no point in lying.

I just have a small bag that contained all my essential belongings because I am not planning to stay here. I kinda saw this situation before because it's Michael. He will never let you stay to a different hotel. He will adopt you under his featherly wings. I didn't ask to share the same room with him though.

But again, it's us. We always share a room. A bed. Especially now that we're fucking like crazy, of course we're gonna share a room. Specifically, share a bed.

But that was before. The random fucking, I mean.

Speaking of Michael, he will come out from that steamy shower anytime from now.

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