49 - My Best Friend's Brother

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Officially renaming this fic from Together Again to My Best Friend's Brother. Haha jk.

We've been to multiple chapters already and more story arcs are starting to unfold. I hope this story can give you something the way this story is giving me something too :)

And uhm, may I know your thoughts about Jesse?

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"This is not your recording studio, Tarzan. I thought we're going to the studio. This is your home." I told Michael who is very calm and chill beside me.

He asked me to come with him in the studio but as the time goes by, the path that we are taking is becoming familiar to me. My instincts have been confirmed when we entered the gates of his home.

"Yeah... Home." He just murmured without removing his gaze at the car window, busying himself with the swaying trees and colorful flowers in his property. "I'm going to introduce you to the rest of the family."

"I'm sorry. You said what?" My voice became a pitch higher, making sure that I heard his words correctly. I already met his mother and some of his siblings.

"You heard me." He glanced at me and I hate those black sunglasses of him. I cannot see the expressions in his eyes. His black fedora is not helping too. "My brother is coming over. You need to meet him."

"Need? Is it required to meet your brother? I already met Randall. I know Anthony too. What's with the rush?" I bugged him.

"Not Randall, silly." He chuckled. "Anthony is here with his kids. And Jesse is coming too. You haven't met him yet."

"But the point is, you can just tell me that we're meeting them instead of tricking me." I murmured while glaring at him. "I wanna see Mama Kathy too."

"Mama is here. Janet is here. You'll be fine."  He comforted me as he squeezed my hand. "It's just my brothers and you are good with kids. AJ and Summer are the best. I promise."

"Okay..." I just murmured under my breath. It seemed like I'm gonna meet his family whether I like it or not. I cannot escape from this huge property of his easily.

"You'll be fine." He smiled at me and that alone calmed my nerves.

Just like what he said, everything is fine. His family is really great. No doubt that Michael is a very good man because all the members of the family are lovely and sweet. They are like angels sent from above.

I already met and mingled with everyone except his older brother. Michael said that he is coming over too but even his shadow is not present in this place.

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