55 - Superhuman

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I grabbed him by the root and started to lick his long shaft. I also noticed that he inhaled sharply as he watched me like a lion who is waiting for his prey. He didn't interrupt me with my business and let me do my work instead.


I heard him cursed and that encouraged me to put his already hard manhood in my mouth.


As expected, I continued to suck his erection until it hits the back of my throat despite of hearing the cracking of his voice. The cracking just turned me on even more so why would I stop? He likes it. He loves it. It is not him, asking me to stop.

He is so blessed that I could gag everytime I'm sucking his long shaft. Michael grabbed a fistful of my hair and propped his weight on his elbow to watch me carefully.

"You're doing great, baby..." He whispered as his dark eyes stared through mine.

I pursued stroking and sucking him until his head fell back. He chose to close his eyes rather than staring at the ceiling. He is kneading my breasts too and if not, he is grabbing my hair, trying to control the speed of my sucking. 

My tongue traced his manhood from its root until my sense of taste played with his tip, teasing and showering him with soft kisses. My hand managed to give his balls a warming touch while my gaze remained at him. His eyes are closed, savoring every stroke that I'm giving him.

Our eyes met and it exploded with fire. My warm mouth enjoyed the taste of his sweet manhood as I'm caressing his thigh with my free hand to add more pleasure in our systems. I can feel my own wetness too especially when his throbbing one poked my entrance unintentionally.

He is solid rock. He is ready to hit me.

"Let me come in your mouth, baby. Will you let me?" He said using his low and deep voice. 

His eyes are blazing with fire as we reconnect our stares and let our heated systems took over our already aroused bodies. His large hands continued to fix my hair before he put his weight on his right elbow so he could watch my little show.

I didn't respond to his request since that is already my plan. I want to lick and suck him until he shoots all his load into my warm mouth.

I felt his throbbing member pulsated and I knew that he is about to come. I watched his sexy expressions as I increased my speed and tried to suck him deeper to my mouth.

After numerous hitting of his tip at the back of my throat, he exploded.

"Oh God..." He murmured and let his eyes shut as I swallowed his delicious load. 

Swallow, baby.

He opened his eyes as I licked his tip again to collect all his juices. He stared at me with his intense, dark expression and his thumb wiped the side of my mouth. I ignored his gestures and teased him even more by slapping his tip on my tongue gently so I could play with his sensitivity.

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