24 - Harmless?

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Guilt is consuming me.

I fucked it up, didn't I?

I kissed Jesse last night and I had sex with Michael earlier.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

And now? My arm is brushing against Michael's skin who is busy sitting beside me while having his breakfast. I am having my breakfast too but the uncomfortable feeling is eating me up especially when Jesse is sitting across the table and we're sharing these kind of stares that only the two of us can understand.

It's harmless, I think.

But I'll be damned.

It seemed like, Michael and I got worried for nothing. Only Mama Kathy and the kids had their early breakfasts. All of us, from Naomie to Janet, in exact birth order, are just having our breakfast now.

By the way, Naomie, Jesse, and Michael are the oldest three while Anthony, Randall, and Janet are the younger ones. I am sharing the same age with Anthony, he is just older by three months. They have a fixed two-year age gap too. I love family planning.

"What's with the goddamn silence?" Janet complained, breaking the not so awkward silence. Or maybe, the awkward word is only applicable for me.

"Because we're eating, Janet. Hush." Michael hissed at Janet that made everyone laughed. 

Well, except Jesse who just let out a smile.

Why I knew? Because I looked at him. And he caught it.

"Yeah, whatever." Janet exclaimed. "The sun is bright. We should all have a swim."

"It's hot." Randall opposed.

"That's another reason to swim, brother." Naomie said and Randall just shrugged.

Naomie is a busy woman but she can handle her two kids very well. I love her, she is awesomely strong woman. She and her husband are doing well too. Too bad, her husband is being workaholic and the timing is not perfect so he is absent in  this event. I heard, the relationship is being shaky but despite of that, being mature when it comes to relationships is a great help.

"The kids would love that." Anthony smiled. 

Oh. Then there's this one. Happily married and pretty smitten with his wife. His wife cannot be with us right now because she attended a conference outside of this town. They are couple goals, that's all I can say. I want a marriage like that. Supportive and happy and in love. And also blessed with good kids — AJ and Summer.

"We really should swim because there these two bears last night that didn't invite us for a night swimming." Janet smirked.

Uh-oh. How did she know?

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