7 - Lovesick

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"Michael. Son, you okay?"

My empty thoughts were interrupted by Frank, my manager.

"I'm sorry. What?" I said as I turned my attention back to him.

He just sighed at me and he shook his head.

Am I a hopeless case?

"I'm asking if you're okay. You're spacing out. What's bothering you?" 

He arched his eyebrows at me and he got a serious look on his face. I bet he already said many things to me but I'm not giving any attention so I don't know. Really.

"Nothing." I just whispered.

I rested my feet on the table and switched my attention again outside. I've been staring by the window for I don't know how long now. It is just me and Frank who are left in this conference room in my home.

We just finished an emergency meeting because the management wanted me to shoot another short film before my tour will start again. It is supposed to be after the tour but they're demanding to do it now.

It is already settled. And I don't give a damn.

"Is it about the shoot?" Frank asked me. He's pretty determined to know my problems.

"No, Frank." I sighed as I take a glance at him. "It's something else."

Or maybe, someone else?

Is that possible?

I don't really care about the shoot. It is already polished anyway. It's just a live performance kind of thing.

No dramas. No dialogues. No story.

Just a performance and that's it.

"Oh, boy." He smirked and I just gave him a look. "Don't tell me it's about a woman."

A woman?

"Woman?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "Be careful, son. Just a wise advice."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Frank." I said and stared again at the swaying trees outside.

"Then, okay. If you say so." He chuckled before he put a cigar in his mouth. He's preparing to leave too. 

"But I'm 100% sure that a woman is clouding your mind. Been there, done that." He winked at me and I gave him a blank face.

I don't know what to react because maybe he's right?

"I'll leave now, Michael. I'll see you in two days." He bid his farewell and just like that, I'm alone again. As always.

Frank said that a woman is clouding my mind.

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