10 - Choices

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"Huh?" I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, I felt my spinning head and all I can see is dark spots that are blinding me. I closed my eyes tightly and massaged my temples too so I can condition my body back to normal.

That freaking dream caused me to jolt from my deep sleep and my sudden movement from lying on my bed to sitting on it made me really dizzy.

I also noticed that my legs are crossed and I knew very well why my body is behaving like this.

That's not actually a dream. I mean, that was a dream but it happened in real life. That freaking scenario is just a part of what really happened to Michael and I the other night.

It is hunting me.

Oh my God.

Should I freak out?

I just told him to forget everything as if those never happened. But here I am. In my safe haven. And those unbelievable memories are flashing continuously in my mind. Not that I'm remembering them intentionally. It is flashing in the memory space in my head repeatedly. 

It is against my own will.

What is happening to me?

I slammed my body back on the bed once the warm feeling in my stomach died down. I covered my face with my palms to let out my frustrations from the situation that happened.

Not that I have regrets or something.

I just want to forget or maybe, pretend that it didn't happen. If it will not be forgotten, can my mind stop playing it again and again?

My system is really behaving for the past three years. After my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, I mean. I'm okay. I'm happy. I don't care about getting laid even though Charlotte and my other friends are bugging me about it.

I have my own life.

But suddenly, why there's a disorder in my system? Is it because of what Michael and I had done? He's been hunting my thoughts ever since we parted ways.

He didn't call again after he gave me that heads up about Janet's plan. Not that I waited but it's just... he didn't call. He's probably busy and he doesn't want to bother me especially if he knows that I'm at work.

I checked my phone and I have numerous unread messages and missed calls. 

Most messages are from Charlotte who is still persuading me to come with them to the bar tonight even though I'm gonna see her later at work.

Some messages and missed calls last night are from Janet. Maybe she'll gonna share something about her plan? 

A call also caught my attention. One missed call from Tarzan at 4 AM. That early? What's his problem? He can't sleep?

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