51 - Dangerous Game

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"Don't make me say it twice, woman. Go home. What are you doing here anyway?"

Vera is really preventing herself to throw me at her window because I still went to work despite of our scheduled flight tonight to London.

Yep. It's time to go to London.

I can't wait.

"I told you, I'm bored. Besides, our flight is not until nine in the evening. It's only one in the afternoon, Ma'am." I chuckled as I teased my boss with my words.

I am just lounging on her couch while she is busy with some paperworks on her desk. No work is waiting for me on my table because either I finished it already or it is transferred to another planner since I'm leaving tonight.

I have nothing to do in my place so I just decided to come to work. My home feels empty anyway and I'm just gonna pity myself for being alone.

"You're just excited to see your friend. I mean, aren't we all? If I am his friend, I already spoiled my London trip to him." She winked at me before switching her gaze to her reports.

She's not that busy so she is letting me waste her precious time.

I scrunched my nose.

"Well..." I let out a deep sigh. "I'm excited, sure. But I don't know. I don't have any plans."

"What do you mean?"

"I decided to extend my stay there and thank you for approving my request." I giggled and Vera smiled as she shook her head. "I'm not just sure if I'm going to meet Michael in London. I don't have any contact to reach him unless, he'll call me when he is already there. But he's still in Germany so there's a huge chance that I will not receive his calls."

"Just send a message to someone. You'll be fine." 

"I already did. No response." I said, slightly hopeless.

I reached out to Frank, Michael's manager, about my plans. We already met multiple times so he definitely knows me. We might don't have close ties like Bill and I but it'll do.

And yeah. Frank is not responding to my messages yet. He can just leave Bill's contact and I'll get it from there.

This is killing me.

"Did he call you? Michael?" Vera asked me, throwing a concern face.

"Yeah. Rarely."

It's been two weeks after he called me from Paris. He just called me once after that circus we did over the phone.

"Once these past two weeks."

"Oh." Vera reacted and furrowed her brows. "He must be busy."

"For sure." I smiled. "No doubt about that."

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