The Letter

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By the time you encounter this letter, the year will come to an end and I hope, you are having a great time despite the exhaustion from finishing your tour. I hope, you enjoyed the Christmas vibe of Japan. I'm sure that your fans in that part of the world made you feel loved and cherished.

I'm sorry, Tarzan...

I don't really know what to say in this letter. I want to elaborate more about your tour experience and believe me, I want to hear your endless stories too. I can already imagine your bright smiles and twinkling eyes while sharing what you felt during your month worth of stay in there. Of course, I want to hear how you enjoyed every single thing that you experienced from the foreign country.


You asked me to stay. But sorry if I can't. 

You're excited to welcome the new year and I'm so overwhelmed that you want to celebrate the new year's eve with me. Believe me, I want to spend it with you too however, I'm sorry because my mind played tricks with me and I saw an escape that was why I took it.

By the time that you see this messy letter, maybe, I'm already staring at a wonderful painting in one of the museums in Europe. Or maybe, visiting the kangaroos in Australia. Or, studying the cultures of Asia. Maybe, I am exploring the Safari or the Amazon. Or, dancing with the penguins in Antartica. I might have a cold feet too so maybe I just stayed home. 

I'm here but I am not here...

I always love our friendship, Tarzan. You made me realize that life has a deeper meaning aside from what we are seeing. You made me appreciate what I have even more. You made me think the unthinkable and the impossible possible. You showed me how a little help and love can bring a smile to anyone who needs it. It is a big help no matter how small it is and what's important, it came from one's heart.

I always admire your great and loving heart, Tarzan. You are more than the artist the world knows about. I'm so proud of you and I don't know how to express it so you can understand what I feel about you. It is so strong and I don't know if this kind of intensity is still possible.

You made me feel this way so I thought, things like these are real and out of this world.

Thank you for everything, Tarzan. I am so thankful that I don't know anymore how to thank you. You've done a lot to the point that I can't think of any gesture to return your kind acts. I know, you did everything in your own will and I appreciate it so much.

I'm so glad that I met you. I honestly thought that my accidental encounter of a famous person just like you is just a one-time thing. I was wrong. You became my person and you're not this very popular one in my eyes anymore everytime I see you.

You are my Tarzan.

You are so kind, loving, sweet, caring, thoughtful... You are amazing and incredible and wonderful. I can list all the positive traits in here because there's no single word that can perfectly describe you.

You are making me happy, Tarzan. Just by looking at your eyes, I feel great already. How much more if you hug me? Or kiss me? Or comfort me with you beautiful words? You have a magnificent effect on me that just by having your presence within my reach, all my worries will be gone.

I can't thank you enough for giving me the peace of mind. The feeling of security. Of course, love...

I'm sorry, Michael. I am really sorry. If only I have the means to stay, I wouldn't leave. Everything is too much for me and I hope, you understand. I'm sorry if I can't be there for you if you need me. I'm sorry but, I am so broken. My heart is in pieces that even though I want to stay with you, I can't have the peace that I think, I deserve.

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