90 - Beautiful Soul

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It's been two weeks. It's been two weeks after that freaking London escape. 

Nothing new.

Well, except to the fact that I buried myself with too much work. When I say too much, numerous files are always waiting on my desk. Even when I am at home, my mind is still working. My head keeps on mixing ideas for my assigned events. It is too much that I almost had consecutive sleepless nights and so little time to hang out.

Everyone was asking me to have a break. After my fever circus when I got home to which by the way, Jesse became a very great nurse, I wasted no time to come back to work. I had so many backlogs and I can't afford to have a break anymore. 

I can tone down my workload but nah. I love my mind to be occupied all the time. Too occupied that I don't want to think about something else.

Except this thing about Jesse though.

I got to admit, I was not taking care of myself these past few days. There were lots of times that I can't eat on time or not to eat at all. Good thing, Jesse was always here for me.

The decent drive was not a bother to him. He kept on seeing me whenever he had the chance and my world was always bright when he was around. No lies. I am truly happy when he is with me. He is like my own light bulb or the switch itself. 

Bright and positive. 

That is my description to myself these days. And that's because of him.

My blue-eyed sweetheart.

Nope. Not my boyfriend. Not yet, at least. We are taking it slow and we are getting there...

He was the one who kept on preaching about my busy life. He knew very well that he can't keep me from my business so he became this treat monster who kept on showering me with food so I will not starve myself whenever my workaholic self is getting out of control.

And I am so thankful. So thankful...

We see each other for like, three times a week I guess? He will just show up in the corner and surprise me with his charms and whatnots and the next thing I knew, I was smiling widely just by looking at him. My day was filled already despite of my tired self, buried with nonstop events.

Of course, he was not the only one who could do that. There were times either that I was driving my way to him just because I wanted to. I will surprise him, with food in my hands, and we are going to spend the whole day, or night, getting to know each other more. I know a lot, he knows a lot. And finally, I had the chance to be in one of his classes just to observe.

You know what? He is the greatest teacher that I know. I only wish that I had someone like him when I was a student. He is this strict, authoritative, but fun teacher. He is serious and passionate about teaching. He is the kind of lecturer where you can learn a lot and keep your focus in the game. 

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