61 - Blurry

251 11 9

Anyone listened to The Weeknd's Dawn FM? It's fireee, btw. But, the intention is, to say that the track, Best Friends, is this story's theme song lol. Kidding 1/2

(Thanks for making me realize it, _QUEENJACKSON_ 🤣)


"Hickeys! Hickeys everywhere!"

I raised my voice, emphasizing that hickeys are so evident on our skins. It is everywhere. Literally everywhere.

"Hickeys are not bad, Faye." 

Michael chuckled while he is busy folding some of his clothes so we can finish packing. I already prepared my stuff earlier and he suggested that we can just share a luggage since he got a bigger one. I don't care about it though. If he wants to share, then we'll share. He just asked me to prepare clothes good for at least three days and three nights.

Until now, I don't have any idea where we are going.

"Yeah..." I just agreed as an attempt to put the argument to rest.

I hugged him from behind and buried my face on his back. He didn't complain even though his movements became limited because of my clinging gesture. Michael is still busy organizing our stuff.

"It is fun not until you need to hide the marks so people cannot see it. Especially you, Mr. Jackson." I followed up and showered his back with my light kisses just to tease him.

"That's why cosmetic stuff were invented."

"Cosmetics were not invented to cover hickeys!" I argued but remained clinging to his body. I can feel his skin against mine because he is just wearing his tight black boxers and I'm just in my robe, naked.

"But they are a big help." He said. "Just help me pack."

"Not until you tell me where we are going."

"I can do it myself, then." He chuckled.

"Tarzan..." I pouted and let him to do the work. We're not packing a lot of stuff anyway. "Where are we going?"

"I told you, it's a secret."

"But you're not good at keeping secrets."

"I'm not?" He inquired.

"Na-ah." I smiled against his skin. I'm just teasing. He can hide the real secrets very well. "Are you eating properly?" I asked too because I noticed the change in his body.

"I lost some weight?"

"Kinda." I answered and caressed my hands on his frame.

I'm not surprised about his weight changes because he is on tour so obviously, he is stressed and tired. He is performing constantly and he is jumping on planes every other day. For sure, he can't eat and sleep properly.

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