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I tried to look directly at his eyes but the overflowing sensation is consuming me that all I can see is black because I keep on closing my eyes. His facial features are still angelic but the darkness in his eyes is saying the opposite.

Michael lifted my weight and his shaft slipped out from my drenched core. His grip on my sides got buried down to my bones but I didn't say something about it. He guided my hips to be in all fours again without even looking at my eyes. I just complied and rested in a comfortable position.

At first, everything was levelled equally but after some time, my head met the sheets again. He gave me his hard pumps that almost moved my entire body to the other end of the bed. I suppressed my groans but I just made it worse. 

I reached for his hand and thankfully, he gave it to me but, when I just started to find the comfort in his warmth, he pinned my arms above my head. He let it go right away but I didn't have enough strength to move anymore. I just let my arms to rest on the bed as he was still meeting my spot. 

I didn't know what to react when he put pressure on my shoulders to keep me down despite of not really moving my body. He even switched his hand on the back of my head, burying me against the soft bed. 

My moans are not moans anymore. My moans are already cries. A cry disguised as a pleasured moan. My emotional core already bursted and my tears escaped from my eyes. But then, it is not evident because I really don't want to cry. I chose to hide my real emotions but I don't know for how long.

Michael grabbed my arms and rested it on my back, mimicking a handcuffed criminal. I tilted my head to the right to gasp for air but the intensity is not making me breathe freely. He moved his hips skillfully as his random cursings deafened my ears. 

Correct me if I'm wrong but did any one of us already mutter one another's name? No? Oh. Okay...

I gasped loudly when Michael pulled my upper body so I am now hovering in the air because his shaft is still inside my core, preventing me to sit on my legs. He locked me again in his warm and tight embrace while kissing the side of my neck. His arms crept to my breasts, massaging them before he pushed my body gently so I fell on the bed.

I gulped the lump in my throat as he settled on top of me. He kissed me deeply but it was nothing. It was empty. I know that it was empty. Ever since we started this thing earlier, it was empty. He warned me about it but I still engaged. Maybe, it is my fault. I made a wrong choice but I still can make a correct one.

My eyes shut and a long growl escaped from my lips when he penetrated me again. We moved in a familiar rhythm, a beat that I know, dancing to an imaginary erotic music.

Fast. Wild. Deep.

But empty.

His tip reached the farthest end of my body and if it happened in another time, I would say thank you. Now, it is just different. Really different.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now