100 - Darkness

134 7 13

Hi! I'm back! I hope you are all doing well. I remembered that I mentioned that there will be more conflicts for this story and this will reach the end too. With that, let's start the journey again, shall we?

And btw,

tw // implied blackout drunken sex , noncon sex suspicions

Skip this chapter if uncomfortable.



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My life was falling apart. Completely.

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't think.

My mind was always swirling because of these nonsense thoughts in my head. Before, I was always looking forward to those days when I could go home but now, I just wanted to fly to somewhere else where I could find the peace of mind that I badly needed.

I was so exhausted. 

I drowned myself with work even though I was still on vacation. My thoughts were not letting me have a peaceful time on my own. Running away was not the answer. It would never be the answer. I knew that. My mind will just haunt me wherever part of this world I was planning to visit. But it didn't matter. I just wanted to leave this place.

I never thought that I was going to say this but, I really hoped that I was on tour. Right now. Away from this place.

What happened that night was always in my head. I kissed her. I fucking kissed her! I knew I was sick but that was not an excuse. Never an excuse. I kissed her even I knew very well that she was committed. She got a boyfriend because I let her slipped away from me.

Maybe, I just couldn't accept that fact. That little fun vacation in London and Spain was just a dream. It was not part of the reality. I was just asleep and those were just the things that my mind was feeding me.

She accepted me under her featherly wings when my sick self took over my system. I couldn't remember that much because the moment I drifted to sleep, my system shut down too. I just woke up the next morning and she was nowhere in sight.

I didn't wait for her to come back. Gia was there because Faye asked her sister to take care of me while she was gone but I was so quick that I didn't listen to any persuasive speech asking me to stay. 

I just can't stay in there. I didn't want her to see me. I didn't want to see her too. I was so disappointed in myself because of what I did.

The dark place kept on pulling me and I didn't resist. I let the darkness consumed me. All I wanted was to spend time with myself so that's what I did. I stayed in my condo and begged my family not to disturb my peace. They actually complied and I didn't receive any single message from them.

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